Profil Dariusz Niedziela


  • Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
  • Komplexe Fluide
  • Numerik partieller und Integrodifferentialgleichungen
  • Softwareentwicklung
  • Mathematisches Modellieren




  • Schmidt, S.; Niedziela, D.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J.:
    CoRheoS: Multiphysics solver framework and simulation infrastructure for complex rheologies.
    Proceedings of Nafems World Congress 2013, Salzburg, Austria, 9-12 June 2013.
  • Schmidt, S.; Niedziela, D.:
    Product- and process design based on complex rheology CFD using CoRheoGrain.
    Proceedings of PARTEC - International Congress on Particle Technology 2013, 1-4, 23-25 April 2013.
  • Schmidt, S.; Niedziela, D.; Steiner, K.:
    Numerical simulations of granular flow ( with applications ) in mixers.
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Agglomerations- und Schuttguttechnik und CFD, Weimar, 2013.


Sammlung der Publikationen von Dariusz Niedziela in der Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Predicting the fiber orientation of injection molded components and the geometry influence with neural networks
Herrmann, Till; Niedziela, Dariusz; Salimova, Diyora; Schweiger, Timo
Journal Article
2021 Numerical simulation with experimental validation of the structural reaction injection moulding of 3D continuous fibre reinforced polyurethane foam
Schäfer, K.; Nestler, D.; Jahn, K.; Niedziela, D.; Ireka, I.; Steiner, K.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2020 Numerical studies of the viscosity of reacting polyurethane foam with experimental validation
Schäfer, K.; Nestler, D.; Tröltzsch, J.; Ireka, I.; Niedziela, D.; Steiner, K.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2019 Computational analysis of nonuniform expansion in polyurethane foams
Niedziela, D.; Ireka, I.E.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2018 Multi-phase simulation of pneumatic conveying applying a hydrodynamic hybrid model for the granular phase
Rau, Sebastian; Nied, Christian; Schmidt, Sebastian; Niedziela, Dariusz; Lindner, Johannes; Sommer, Karl
Journal Article
2017 Simulation of RIM-process for polyurethane foam expansion in fiber reinforced sandwich structures
Tröltzsch, Jürgen; Schäfer, Kay; Niedziela, Dariusz; Ireka, Ikenna; Steiner, Konrad; Kroll, Lothar
Journal Article
2017 Virtual characterization of dense granular flow through a vertically rotating feeding experiment
Niedziela, Dariusz; Rau, Sebastian; Steiner, Konrad; Vita, Simone de; Lutsche, Marion; Richter, Meike; Schmidt, Mattias; Stoltz, Christopher
Journal Article
2016 Computational analysis of polyurethane foam expansion process in fiber reinforced sandwich structures
Tröltzsch, J.; Ireka, I.; Niedziela, D.; Steiner, K.; Schäfer, K.; Helbig, F.; Kroll, L.
Conference Paper
2016 Development of a crash simulation method for long-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (LFT) components based on fiber orientation from mold-filliing simulation
Schulenberg, L.; Lienhard, J.; Niedziela, D.; Shklyar, I.; Steiner, K.; Lauterbach, B.
Conference Paper
2016 Parameter estimation for the modelling and simulation of expanding polyurethane foams
Ireka, I.; Niedziela, D.; Tröltzsch, J.
Conference Paper
2016 Charakterisierung, Auslegung und Optimierung granularer Strömungsprozesse
Rau, Sebastian; Niedziela, Dariusz; Schmidt, Sebastian; Steiner, Konrad
Journal Article
2016 Entwicklung einer Methode zur Crashsimulation von langfaserverstärkten Thermoplast (LFT) Bauteilen auf Basis der Faserorientierung aus der Formfüllsimulation
Sun, D.-Z.; Schulenberg, L.; Lienhard, J.; Andrieux, F.; Huberth, F.; Andrä, H.; Niedziela, D.; Shklyar, I.; Steiner, K.; Wirjadi, O.
2015 Continuum numerical simulation of multiphase granular suspension flow in the context of applications for the mechanical processing industry
Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J.; Zemerli, C.
Journal Article
2015 Computational modelling of the complex dynamics of chemically blown polyurethane foam
Ireka, I.E.; Niedziela, D.; Schäfer, K.; Tröltzsch, J.; Steiner, K.; Helbig, F.; Chinyoka, T.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2015 Flexible spacer fabrics for reinforcement of rigid polyurethane foams in sandwich structures
Schäfer, K.; Tröltzsch, J.; Helbig, F.; Niedziela, D.; Kroll, L.
Conference Paper
2013 Multi-phase-simulation of suspension flow through granular beads in a rotating disk mill
Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J.
Conference Paper
2013 Simulationsbasierte Optimierung von Stahlfaserbeton
Karlstetter, C.; Latz, A.; Leiss, N.; Niedziela, D.
Journal Article
2013 Product- and process design based on complex rheology CFD using CoRheoGrain
Schmidt, S.; Niedziela, D.
Conference Paper
2013 On the numerical simulation of injection molding processes with integrated textile fiber reinforcements
Niedziela, D.; Tröltzsch, J.; Latz, A.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2012 Simulation of the flow and form filling behavior of UHPC with fibers
Heese, C.; Breit, W.; Schuler, F.; Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.
Conference Paper
2011 Simulation des Spritzgießprozesses mit integrierter textiler Faserverstärkung
Tröltzsch, J.; Kroll, L.; Niedziela, D.; Latz, A.
Conference Paper
2011 Simulation of the rheological behaviour of UHPC
Heese, C.; Niedziela, D.; Latz, A.; Breit, W.
Conference Paper
2011 Schüttgutsimulation. Innovatives Werkzeug zur Prozessauslegung und Silooptimierung
Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.
Journal Article
2011 Simulation of complex liquids for the production processes
Schmidt, S.; Niedziela, D.; Latz, A.
Conference Paper
2010 A new simulation ansatz for industrial granular flows from the dilute into the solidified regime
Niedziela, D.; Latz, A.; Schmidt, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Improved multiscale fiber orientation modeling in injection molding of short fiber reinforced thermoplastics: simulation and experiment
Niedziela, D.; Strautins, U.; Hosdez, V.; Kech, A.; Latz, A.
Conference Paper
2010 Comparative numerical study of two concentrated fiber suspension models
Latz, A.; Strautins, U.; Niedziela, D.
Journal Article
2010 Comparison of the discrete element method with a finite volume approach for predicting bulk flows and for designing silos
Niedziela, D.; Latz, A.; Rippberger, S.; Schmidt, S.; Weiler, R.
Conference Paper
2009 On numerical simulations of powder injection molding
Niedziela, D.; Latz, A.; Moritz, T.
Conference Paper
2006 On 3D numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluids
Niedziela, D.; Iliev, O.; Latz, A.
2006 On numerical simulations of viscoelastic fluids
Niedziela, D.
Doctoral Thesis
2006 On iterative solvers for non-Newtonian flow equations
Iliev, O.; Linn, J.; Moog, M.; Niedziela, D.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2004 On the performance of certain iterative solvers for coupled systems arising in discretization of non-newtonian flow equations
Iliev, O.; Linn, J.; Moog, M.; Niedziela, D.; Starikovicius, V.
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Weitere Publikationen

  • Breit, W.; Bund, B.; Heese, C.; Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.:
    Computer aided simulation of flow and form filling behaviour of FRUHPC.
    fib ACCTA International Conference on Advances in Cement and Concrete Technologies in Africa, Johanesburg, 25-30 Jan 2013, proceedings.
  • Heese, C.; Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.:
    Rheological Simulation of the Slump Flow Behaviour of UHPC.
    Young Researcher Symposium 2011 (YRS), 15. Feb 2011 im Fraunhofer Zentrum Kaiserslautern, Proceedings, (Nachwuchsring des Landesforschungszentrum Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (CM) (Ed.)), S. 50-54.
  • Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.:
    Numerical Simulation of Sand-Air Mixtures for the Casting Industry.
    8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Jun 30 – Jul 5, 2008, Venice, Italy.
  • Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.:
    Simulation of granular flows in industrial applications.
    NAFEMS Seminar ”Simulation of Complex Flows”, Mar 10-11, 2008. Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Iliev, O.; Latz, A.; Niedziela, D.:
    Simulations of viscoelastic polymer melt flows.
    Tagungsband des NAFEMS-Seminars "Die Simulation komplexer Strömungsvorgänge", May 2004.