Profil Karl-Heinz Küfer


  • Interaktive multikriterielle Optimierung
  • Integration von Simulations- und Optimierungsalgorithmen
  • Mathematische Modellierung von Entscheidungsprozessen
  • Komplexitätstheorie von Optimierungsalgorithmen
  • Geometrische Wahrscheinlichkeiten




  • Ackermann, H.; Küfer, K.-H.; Leithäuser, N.; Meyer, A.; Velten, S.:
    How to unload bulk carrier quickly? - Mathematical models to identify efficient loading patterns.
    The Journal of Scheduling, Special Issue MISTA 2015, 772-775, ISSN: 2305-249X, (2016).
  • Bischoff, M.; Klug, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Plociennik, K.; Schüle, I.:
    Optimized pattern design for photovoltaik power stations.
    Operations Research Proceedings, 451-456, ISBN: 978-3-319-28697-6, (2014).
  • Bonacker, E.; Gibali, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Süss, P.:
    Speedup of lexicographic optimization by superorization and its applications to cancer radiotherapy treatment.
    Inverse Problems 1(1):1, (2016).


Sammlung der Publikationen von Karl-Heinz Küfer in der Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Statistical analysis of three data sources for Covid-19 monitoring in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Pilz, Maximilian; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Mohring, Jan; Münch, Johanna; Wlazlo, Jaroslaw; Leithäuser, Neele
Journal Article
2024 Estimating the COVID-19 prevalence from wastewater
Mohring, Jan; Leithäuser, Neele; Wlazlo, Jaroslaw; Schulte, Marvin; Pilz, Maximilian; Münch, Johanna; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2024 Computing T-optimal designs via nested semi-infinite programming and twofold adaptive discretization
Mogalle, David; Seufert, Philipp; Schwientek, Jan; Bortz, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2024 Pareto navigation for multicriteria building energy supply design
Halser, Elisabeth; Finhold, Elisabeth; Leithäuser, Neele; Süss, Philipp; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2024 Multicriteria Adjustable Robustness
Halser, Elisabeth; Finhold, Elisabeth; Leithäuser, Neele; Schwientek, Jan; Teichert, Katrin; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
2024 Multicriteria Adjustable Regret Robust Optimization for Building Energy Supply Design
Halser, Elisabeth; Finhold, Elisabeth; Leithäuser, Neele; Seidel, Tobias; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
2024 Multicriteria adjustable regret robust optimization for building energy supply design
Halser, Elisabeth; Finhold, Elisabeth; Leithäuser, Neele; Seidel, Tobias; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2023 Type-2 zigzag uncertain multi-objective fixed-charge solid transportation problem: Time window vs. preservation technology
Ghosh, S.; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Roy, S.K.; Weber, G.-W.
Journal Article
2023 Statistical analysis of three data sources for Covid-19 monitoring in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Pilz, Maximilian; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Mohring, Jan; Münch, Johanna; Wlazlo, Jaroslaw; Leithäuser, Neele
2023 Estimating the Covid-19 Prevalence from Wastewater
Mohring, Jan; Leithäuser, Neele; Wlazlo, Jaroslaw; Schulte, Marvin; Pilz, Maximilian; Münch, Johanna; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
2022 Solving continuous set covering problems by means of semi-infinite optimization
Krieg, Helene; Seidel, Tobias; Schwientek, Jan; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2022 Multi-criteria optimization in industry
Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Miettinen, K.; Ruzika, S.; Sayin, S.
2022 Carbon mechanism on sustainable multi-objective solid transportation problem for waste management in Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy environment
Ghosh, S.; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Roy, S.K.; Weber, G.-W.
Journal Article
2022 An adaptive discretization method solving semi-infinite optimization problems with quadratic rate of convergence
Seidel, Tobias; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2022 Solving probabilistic-robust optimization problems using methods from semi-infinite optimization
Berthold, Holger
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Accelerating Two Projection Methods via Perturbations with Application to Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
Bonacker, E.; Gibali, A.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2021 Non-convex Pareto Set navigation
Nowak, Dimitri; Scherrer, Alexander; Bortz, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 A transformation-based discretization method for solving general semi-infinite optimization problems
Schwientek, J.; Seidel, Tobias; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2021 Multicriteria Optimization of an Oven with a Novel e-Constraint-Based Sandwiching Method
Nowak, Dimitri; Johnson, Tomas; Mark, Andreas; Ireholm, Charlotte; Pezzotti, Fabio; Erhardsson, Lars; Ståhlberg, Daniel; Edelvik, Fredrik; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2020 Nesterov perturbations and projection methods applied to IMRT
Bonacker, Esther; Gibali, Aviv; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2020 A novel approach for infeasible path optimization of distillation-based flowsheets
Seidel, Tobias; Hoffmann, Anna; Bortz, Michael; Scherrer, Alexander; Burger, Jakob; Asprion, Norbert; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Hasse, Hans
Journal Article
2020 Multi-criteria optimization for parametrizing excess Gibbs energy models
Forte, E.; Kulkarni, A.; Burger, J.; Bortz, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Journal Article
2020 Optimal Product Portfolio Design by Means of Semi-infinite Programming
Krieg, Helene; Schwientek, Jan; Nowak, Dimitri; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Conference Paper
2020 Solving Semi-infinite Optimization Problems with Quadratic Rate of Convergence
Seidel, Tobias
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Perturbed Projection Methods in Convex Optimization - Applied to Radiotherapy Planning
Bonacker, Esther
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Multicriteria Optimization of Molecular Models of Water Using a Reduced Units Approach
Kulkarni, A.; Bortz, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Kohns, M.; Hasse, H.
Journal Article
2020 A Ray Tracing Technique for the Navigation on a Non-convex Pareto Front
Nowak, Dimitri; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
2019 Modeling and Solution of Continuous Set Covering Problems by Means of semi-infinite Optimization
Krieg, Helene
Doctoral Thesis
2019 Targeted multi-criteria optimisation in IMRT planning supplemented by knowledge based model creation
Teichert, K.; Currie, G.; Küfer, K.-H.; Miguel-Chumacero, E.; Süss, P.; Walczak, M.; Currie, S.
Journal Article
2019 Dose-guided patient positioning in proton radiotherapy using multicriteria-optimization
Kurz, Christopher; Süss, Philipp; Arnsmeyer, Carolin; Haehnle, Jonas; Teichert, Katrin; Landry, Guillaume; Hofmaier, Jan; Exner, Florian; Hille, Lucas; Kamp, Florian; Thieke, Christian; Ganswindt, Ute; Valentini, Chiara; Hölscher, Tobias; Troost, Esther; Krause, Mechthild; Belka, Claus; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Parodi, Katia; Richter, Christian
Journal Article
2019 An adaptive discretization method solving semi-infinite optimization problems with quadratic rate of convergence
Seidel, Tobias; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
2019 Decision Support by Multicriteria Optimization in Chemical Production
Bortz, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Conference Paper
2019 Multikriterielle Optimierung und Entscheidungsunterstützung
Conference Proceeding
2019 Decision Support for Cutting Pattern Selection in Sawmills
Ackermann, Heiner; Dinges, Andreas; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Conference Paper
2018 Multiobjective Optimization of a Heat-Sink Design Using the Sandwiching Algorithm and an Immersed Boundary Conjugate Heat Transfer Solver
Andersson, T.; Nowak, D.; Johnson, T.; Mark, A.; Edelvik, F.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2018 A generalized projection-based scheme for solving convex constrained optimization problems
Gibali, Aviv; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Reem, Daniel; Süss, Philipp
Journal Article
2017 Multi-criteria optimization of an industrial world-scale process
Kurnatowski, Martin von; Bortz, Michael; Scherrer, Alexander; Hoffmann, Anna; Lorenz, Hilke-Marie; Caraucan, Miguel; Grützner, Thomas; Künzle, Nikolaus; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2017 Integrated simulation and optimization of distillation-based flowsheets
Hoffmann, Anna
Doctoral Thesis
2017 A novel method for interactive multi-objective dose-guided patient positioning
Haehnle, J.; Süss, P.; Landry, G.; Teichert, K.; Hille, L.; Hofmaier, J.; Nowak, D.; Kamp, F.; Reiner, M.; Thieke, C.; Ganswindt, U.; Belka, C.; Parodi, K.; Küfer, K.-H.; Kurz, C.
Journal Article
2017 Multi-criterial patient positioning based on dose recalculation on scatter-corrected CBCT images
Hofmaier, J.; Haehnle, J.; Kurz, C.; Landry, G.; Maihoefer, C.; Schüttrumpf, L.; Süss, P.; Teichert, K.; Söhn, M.; Spahr, N.; Brachmann, C.; Weiler, F.; Thieke, C.; Küfer, K.-H.; Belka, C.; Parodi, K.; Kamp, F.
Journal Article
2017 Efficient Approach for Calculating Pareto Boundaries under Uncertainties in Chemical Process Design
Bortz, M.; Burger, J.; Harbou, E. von; Klein, M.; Schwientek, J.; Asprion, N.; Böttcher, R.; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Journal Article
2017 Speedup of lexicographic optimization by superiorization and its applications to cancer radiotherapy treatment
Bonacker, Esther; Gibali, Aviv; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Süss, Philipp
Journal Article
2017 Multi-criterial patient positioning based on dose recalculation on scatter-corrected CBCT images
Hofmaier, J.; Haehnle, Johann; Kurz, C.; Landry, G.; Maihöfer, C.; Süss, Philipp; Teichert, Katrin; Traulsen, N.; Brachmann, C.; Weiler, F.; Thieke, Christian; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Parodi, Katja; Kamp, F.
Journal Article
2017 Stage-to-stage calculations of distillation columns by fixed-point iteration and application of the Banach fixed-point theorem
Hoffmann, Anna; Bortz, Michael; Welke, Richard; Burger, Jakob; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Hasse, Hans
Journal Article
2016 Online and offline container purchasing and repositioning problem
Jami, Neil; Schröder, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Conference Paper
2016 A model and polynomial algorithm for purchasing and repositioning containers
Jami, Neil; Schröder, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2016 A hybrid optimization method for focused ultrasound plan computation
Scherrer, A.; Jakobsson, S.; Belyarev, A.; Hoffmann, A.; Bortz, M.; reit, X.-R.; Küfer, K.-H.
2016 On the advancement and software support of decision-making in focused ultrasound therapy
Scherrer, A.; Jakobsson, S.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2016 Solving uniform coverage problem with a modified Remez-algorithm
Nowak, Dimitri; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2016 A new scheme for process simulation by optimization: Distillation as an example
Hoffmann, Anna; Bortz, Michael; Burger, Jakob; Hasse, Hans; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Conference Paper
2016 Optimized pattern design for photovoltaik power stations
Bischoff, Martin; Klug, Alena; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Plociennik, Kai; Schüle, Ingmar
Conference Paper
2016 Time-hierarchical scheduling
Leoff, J.; Ackermann, H.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2016 Singular Value Homogenization: A simple preconditioning technique for linearly constrained optimization and its potential applications in medical therapy
Erdmann-Pham, Dan Daniel; Gibali, Aviv; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Süss, Philipp
Journal Article
2015 A new mathematical approach for handling DVH criteria in IMRT planning
Scherrer, A.; Yaneva, F.; Grebe, T.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2015 Maximale Materialausbeute bei der Edelsteinverwertung
Küfer, K.-H.; Maag, V.; Schwientek, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Multi-criteria optimization of test rig loading programs in fatique life determination
Belyaev, Alexander; Maag, Volker; Speckert, Michael; Obermayr, Martin; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2015 Breast cancer therapy planning - a novel support concept for a sequential decision making problem
Scherrer, A.; Schwidde, I.; Dinges, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Kümmel, S.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2015 How to unload bulk carriers quickly?
Ackermann, Heiner; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Leithäuser, Neele; Meyer, Andreas; Velten, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2015 INES - an interface between experiments and simulation to support the development of robust process design
Asprion, Norbert; Benfer, Regina; Blagov, Sergej; Böttcher, Roger; Bortz, Michael; Berezhnyi, Maksym; Burger, Jakob; Harbou, Erik von; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Hasse, Hans
Journal Article
2015 Molecular modelling and simulation of the surface tension of real quadrupolar fluids
Werth, S.; Stöbener, K.; Klein, P.; Küfer, K.-H.; Horsch, M.; Hasse, H.
Journal Article
2015 Decision support by multicriteria optimization in process development: An integrated approach for robust planning and design of plant experiments
Bortz, Michael; Maag, Volker; Schwientek, Jan; Benfer, Regina; Böttcher, Roger; Burger, Jakob; Harbou, E. von; Asprion, N.; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Conference Paper
2015 Short-Cut-Modelle für den konzeptionellen Entwurf von Trennverfahren - von den Grundlagen in die industrielle Praxis
Burger, Jakob; Hasse, Hans; Kaul, Martin; Deublein, Stephan; Rüther, Feely; Blagov, S.; Foltin, Gregor; Bortz, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Journal Article
2015 Optimierungsprozesse
Küfer, K.-H.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Reformulating the Pascoletti-Serafini problem as a Bi-level optimization problem
Gibali, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Süss, P.
Conference Paper
2015 On the advancement and software support of decision making in focused ultrasound therapy
Scherrer, A.; Jakobsson, S.; Küfer, K.-H.
2015 Maximal material yield in gemstone cutting
Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Maag, Volker; Schwientek, Jan
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Optimization processes in practice
Küfer, Karl-Heinz
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Minimizing the impact of uncertain model parameters on process design
Bortz, Michael; Schwientek, Jan; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Burger, Jakob; Harbou, Erik von; Hasse, Hans; Hirth, Oliver; Asprion, Norbert; Blagov, Sergej
Journal Article
2014 Multi-criteria optimization in chemical process design and decision support by navigation on Pareto sets
Bortz, M.; Burger, J.; Asprion, N.; Blagov, S.; Böttcher, R.; Nowak, U.; Scheithauer, A.; Welke, R.; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Journal Article
2014 Multicriteria optimization of molecular force fields by Pareto approach
Stöbener, K.; Klein, P.; Reiser, S.; Horsch, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Journal Article
2014 INES - Interface between experiments and simulation
Asprion, N.; Benfer, R.; Blagöv, S.; Böttcher, R.; Bortz, M.; Welke, R.; Burger, J.; Harbou, E. von; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Conference Paper
2014 Successive linear programing approach for solving the nonlinear split feasibility problem
Gibali, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Süss, P.
Journal Article
2014 Modeling profit sharing in combinatorial exchanges by network flows
Ackermann, H.; Ewe, H.; Küfer, K.-H.; Schröder, M.
Journal Article
2013 Analyzing the quality robustness of chemotherapy plans with respect to model uncertainties
Hoffmann, A.; Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.-H.
2013 Test rig optimization and block loads
Belyaev, A.; Maag, V.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2013 Breast cancer therapy planning - a sequential decision making problem
Scherrer, A.; Schwidde, I.; Dinges, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Kümmel, S.; Küfer, K.-H.
2013 A decision support system for advanced treatment planning for breast cancer
Scherrer, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Dinges, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Schwidde, I.; Kümmel, S.
2013 Time-hierarchical scheduling. A worst-case analysis of a rolling hierarchical approach for integrated production planning and scheduling in make-to-order environments
Leoff, J.; Ackermann, H.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2012 Interactive DVH-based planning of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Scherrer, A.; Grebe, T.; Yaneva, F.; Küfer, K.-H.
2012 Multi-objective optimization in industrial chemical process development by navigation on pareto fronts
Scheithauer, A.; Burger, J.; Asprion, N.; Blagov, S.; Böttcher, R.; Ryll, O.; Welke, R.; Dittel, A.; Nowak, U.; Bortz, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Hasse, H.
Conference Paper
2011 Pareto-navigation in chemical engineering
Bortz, M.; Asprion, N.; Blagov, S.; Ryll, O.; Welke, R.; Winterfeld, A.; Dittel, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Burger, J.; Scheithauer, A.; Hasse, H.
Conference Paper
2011 Modeling profit sharing in combinatorial exchanges by network flows
Ackermann, H.; Ewe, H.; Küfer, K.-H.; Schröder, M.
2011 Combinatorial auctions in freight logistics
Ackermann, H.; Ewe, H.; Kopfer, H.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2011 Decision support for process development in the chemical industry
Asprion, N.; Blagov, S.; Ryll, O.; Welke, R.; Winterfeld, A.; Dittel, A.; Bortz, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Burger, J.; Scheithauer, A.; Hasse, H.
Conference Paper
2010 A novel non-linear approach to minimal area rectangular packing
Maag, V.; Berger, M.; Winterfeld, A.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2010 Multiobjective optimization for decision support in automated 2.5D system-in-package electronics design
Berger, M.; Schröder, M.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2010 Structure optimization by decision support systems
Küfer, K.-H.; Süss, P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Analysieren, simulieren, optimieren - Zur Effizienz mit mathematischen Modellen
Küfer, K.-H.; Prätzel-Wolters, D.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2009 Multi-criteria optimization for regional timetable synchronization in public transport
Schüle, I.; Dragan, A.D.; Radev, A.; Schröder, M.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2009 A constraint-based approach for the two-dimensional rectangular packing problem with orthogonal orientations
Berger, M.; Schröder, M.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2009 Multicriteria optimization in intensity modulated radiotherapy planning
Küfer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Süss, P.; Alonso, F.; Azizi Sultan, A.S.; Bortfeld, T.; Thieke, C.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2009 Trade-off bounds and their effect in multi-criteria IMRT planning
Serna, J.I.; Monz, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Thieke, C.
2008 Tactical operating theatre scheduling
Velasquez, R.; Melo, T.; Küfer, K.-H.
Conference Paper
2008 Pareto navigation-algorithmic foundation of interactive multi-criteria IMRT planning
Monz, M.; Küfer, K.-H.; Bortfeld, T.R.; Thieke, C.
Journal Article
2008 Semi-infinite optimization meets industry
Küfer, K.-H.; Stein, O.; Winterfeld, A.
Journal Article
2008 Accelerated IMRT plan optimization using the adaptive clustering method
Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2008 Balancing control and simplicity: A variable aggregation method in intensity modulated radiation therapy planning
Süss, P.; Küfer, K.-H.
Journal Article
2008 A constraint programming approach for the two-dimensional rectangular packing problem with orthogonal orientations
Berger, M.; Schröder, M.; Küfer, K.-H.
2007 Improved stratification algorithms for step-and-shoot MLC delivery in intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Süss, P.; Küfer, K.-H.; Thieke, C.
Journal Article
2007 A novel non-linear approach to minimal area rectangular packing
Maag, V.; Berger, M.; Winterfeld, A.; Küfer, K.-H.
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