Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2024 |
Aspekte der Versorgungsgerechtigkeit im UseCase Depressionsbehandlung des Digitalen FortschrittsHubs DECIDE
Riedinger, Dirk; Huetter, Sophia; Husemann, Ronja; Momtahen, Nicoletta; Uhl, Francesca; Panholzer, Torsten; Sandkämper, Lucas; Scherrer, Alexander; Pilz, Maximilian; Flechsig, Jonas; Simon, Perikles; Tüscher, Oliver; Hölzel, Lars P.; Lieb, Klaus; Wiegand, Hauke Felix |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
A hybrid artificial intelligence solution approach to aftercare for cancer patients
Scherrer, Alexander; Zimmermann, Tobias; Riedel, Sinan; Venios, Stefanos; Koussouris, Sotirios; Plakia, Maria; Diamantopoulos, Sotiris; Athanassopoulos, Sotiris; Laras, Paris; Mousa, Fihmi; Zifrid, Robert; Tillil, Hartmut; Musisi, Isa Wasswa; Kosmidis, Thanos; Reis, Joaquim C.; Moehler, Markus H.; Oestreicher, Gabrielle; Kalamaras, Ilias; Pantelidou, Konstantina; Votis, Konstantinos V.; Vassiliou, Charalampos |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Digital Guardian Angel Supported by an Artificial Intelligence System to Improve Quality of Life, Well-being, and Health Outcomes of Patients with Cancer (ONCORELIEF): Protocol for a Single Arm Prospective Multicenter Pilot Study
Reis, Joaquim; Travado, Luzia; Scherrer, Alexander; Kosmidis, Thanos; Venios, Stefanos; Laras, Paris Emmanouil; Oestreicher, Gabrielle; Moehler, Markus; Parolini, Margherita; Passardi, Alessandro; Meggiolaro, Elena; Martinelli, Giovanni; Petracci, Elisabetta; Zingaretti, Chiara; Diamantopoulos, Sotiris; Plakia, Maria; Vassiliou, Charalampos; Mousa, Suheib; Zifrid, Robert; Sullo, Francesco Giulio; Gallio, Chiara |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Digitally Assisted Planning and Monitoring of Supportive Recommendations in Cancer Patients
Scherrer, Alexander; Zimmermann, Tobias; Riedel, Sinan; Mousa, F.; Wasswa-Musisi, I.; Zifrid, R.; Tillil, H.; Ulrich, P.; Kosmidis, T.; Reis, J.; Oestreicher, G.; Möhler, M.; Kalamaras, I.; Votis, K.; Venios, S.; Plakia, M.; Diamantopoulos, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2021 |
Non-convex Pareto Set navigation
Nowak, Dimitri; Scherrer, Alexander; Bortz, Michael; Küfer, Karl-Heinz |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2020 |
A novel approach for infeasible path optimization of distillation-based flowsheets
Seidel, Tobias; Hoffmann, Anna; Bortz, Michael; Scherrer, Alexander; Burger, Jakob; Asprion, Norbert; Küfer, Karl-Heinz; Hasse, Hans |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Estimating mixture properties from batch distillation using semi-rigorous and rigorous models
Bortz, M.; Heese, R.; Scherrer, A.; Gerlach, T.; Runowski, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2017 |
Multi-criteria optimization of an industrial world-scale process
Kurnatowski, Martin von; Bortz, Michael; Scherrer, Alexander; Hoffmann, Anna; Lorenz, Hilke-Marie; Caraucan, Miguel; Grützner, Thomas; Künzle, Nikolaus; Küfer, Karl-Heinz |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
A hybrid optimization method for focused ultrasound plan computation
Scherrer, A.; Jakobsson, S.; Belyarev, A.; Hoffmann, A.; Bortz, M.; reit, X.-R.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Bericht Report
2016 |
On the advancement and software support of decision-making in focused ultrasound therapy
Scherrer, A.; Jakobsson, S.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
A new mathematical approach for handling DVH criteria in IMRT planning
Scherrer, A.; Yaneva, F.; Grebe, T.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Analyzing the quality robustness of chemotherapy plans with respect to model uncertainties
Hoffmann, A.; Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Breast cancer therapy planning - a novel support concept for a sequential decision making problem
Scherrer, A.; Schwidde, I.; Dinges, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Kümmel, S.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
On the advancement and software support of decision making in focused ultrasound therapy
Scherrer, A.; Jakobsson, S.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Bericht Report
2014 |
A decision support concept for advanced treatment planning for breast cancer
Scherrer, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Dinges, A.; Küfer, K-H.; Schwidde, I.; Kümmel, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2013 |
Analyzing the quality robustness of chemotherapy plans with respect to model uncertainties
Hoffmann, A.; Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Bericht Report
2013 |
Breast cancer therapy planning - a sequential decision making problem
Scherrer, A.; Schwidde, I.; Dinges, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Kümmel, S.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Bericht Report
2013 |
A decision support system for advanced treatment planning for breast cancer
Scherrer, A.; Rüdiger, P.; Dinges, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Schwidde, I.; Kümmel, S. |
Bericht Report
2012 |
A new planning tool for fast online dose optimization of IMRT plans
Thieke, C.; Suess, P.; Grebe, T.; Serna, I.; Scherrer, A.; Bortz, M.; Kuefer, K.; Rhein, B.; Nicolay, N.; Debus, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2012 |
Interactive DVH-based planning of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Scherrer, A.; Grebe, T.; Yaneva, F.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Bericht Report
2009 |
An alternative view on global radiotherapy optimization problems
Yaneva, F.; Grebe, T.; Scherrer, A. |
Bericht Report
2009 |
The integration of DVH-based planning aspects into a convex intensity modulated radiation therapy optimization framework
Kratt, K.; Scherrer, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2009 |
Multicriteria optimization in intensity modulated radiotherapy planning
Küfer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Süss, P.; Alonso, F.; Azizi Sultan, A.S.; Bortfeld, T.; Thieke, C. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2008 |
Accelerated IMRT plan optimization using the adaptive clustering method
Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2008 |
On the role of modeling parameters in IMRT plan optimization
Krause, M.; Scherrer, A.; Thieke, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2007 |
On the role of modeling parameters in IMRT plan optimization
Krause, M.; Scherrer, A. |
Bericht Report
2007 |
Prostate IMRT planning using a new multicriterial interactive planning system
Thieke, C.; Spalke, T.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Süss, P.; Küfer, K.; Nill, S.; Bendl, R.; Debus, J.; Huber, P.E. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2007 |
A new concept for interactive radiotherapy planning with multicriteria optimization: First clinical evaluation
Thieke, C.; Küfer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Alonso, F.; Oelfke, U.; Huber, P.E.; Debus, J.; Bortfeld, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2006 |
Adaptive approximation of nonlinear minimization problems
Scherrer, A. |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis
2005 |
First evaluation of a new multicriteria optimization tool-investigation of pareto-surfaces for IMRT prostate plans
Uhrig, M.; Thieke, C.; Alons, F.; Küfer, K.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Oelfke, U. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2005 |
Inverse radiation planning in the multi-criterial optimisation concept
Thieke, C.; Kufer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Alonso, F.; Debus, J.; Thilmann, C.; Bortfeld, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2005 |
Multicriteria optimization in intensity modulated radiotherapy planning
Küfer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Süss, P.; Alonso, F.; Sultan, A.S.A.; Bortfeld, T.; Craft, D.; Thieke, C. |
Bericht Report
2005 |
IMRT planning on adaptive volume structures - A decisive reduction in computational complexity
Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Bortfeld, T.; Monz, M.; Alonso, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2004 |
Beyond weight factors: New concepts for defining and analysing dose optimisation
Thieke, C.; Kuefer, K.H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Alonso, F.; Nill, S.; Thilmann, C.; Bortfeld, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2004 |
IMRT planning on adaptive volume structures - a significant advance of computational complexity
Scherrer, A.; Küfer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Alonso, F.; Bortfeld, T. |
Bericht Report
2003 |
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy: A large scale multi-criteria programming problem
Bortfeld, T.; Küfer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Thieke, C.; Trinkaus, H. |
Bericht Report
2003 |
Real-time inverse planning using a precomputed multi-criteria plan database
Kuefer, K.H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Alonso, F.; Trinkaus, H.; Bortfeld, T.; Thieke, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2003 |
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy - a large scale multi-criteria programming problem
Kufer, K.-H.; Scherrer, A.; Monz, M.; Alonso, F.; Trinkaus, H.; Bortfeld, T.; Thieke, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2002 |
Radiation therapy planning - A multicriteria approach
Bortfeld, T.; Kufer, K.-H.; Monz, M.; Scherrer, A.; Thieke, C.; Trinkaus, H. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper