Profil Anna Nowacka


  • Quantitative Methoden in der Wirtschaft und Informationssystemen
  • Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Python-Programmierung




  • Barisin, T.; Jung, C.; Nowacka, A.; Redenbach, C.; Schladitz, K.: Cracks in Concrete.
    In: Franke, J.; Schöbel, A. (eds) Statistical Machine Learning for Engineering with Applications. Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol 227, 2024.
    Springer, Cham.
  • Nowacka, A.; Schladitz, K.; Grzesiak,  S.; Pahn, M.:
    Segmentation of Spatial Crack Structures in Concrete by Deep Learning Enabling Image Based Characterization.
    Accepted in SCCE, available online from 06 July 2024.
  • Nowacka, A.; Jung, C.; Schladitz, K.; Redenbach, C.; Pahn, M.: 
    Deep learning models for crack segmentation in 3d images of concrete trained on semi-synthetic data. 13th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT 2024), Wels.
  • Jung, C.; Nowacka, A.; Barisin, T.; Meinel, D. ; Paetsch, O.; Grzesiak,  S.;  Salamon, M.; Schladitz,  K.;  Redenbach, C.;  Pahn, M.:
    3d Imaging and Analysis of Cracks in Loaded Concrete Samples.
    12th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT 2023), Fürth.


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