Latest News at the Institute

Here we collect current press releases, impressions of recent events, publications such as professional articles, professional portraits or interviews in online media or other interesting news. Each department and each division bundles these news according to subject area and interests on the individual pages. There they also provide further exciting information such as job vacancies or upcoming events.

In addition to the latest news, you will find further press releases and publications in our archive.

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News / 15.01.2025

»STANCE« Whitepaper

The new whitepaper is about neuromorphic technologies that enable efficient computing solutions inspired by the human brain. As part of the »STANCE« alliance, we are promoting this progress and facilitating access for companies and research. The STANCE Knowledge Hub serves as a central platform that pools knowledge, breaks down barriers and connects researchers with industry.


News / 14.01.2025

Quantum Computing in 2025

The United Nations has declared 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ). They are therefore honoring the 100th anniversary of the development of quantum mechanics.

As a place of quantum research, we at Fraunhofer ITWM are participating in the anniversary year with educational programs and other events.


Interview RHEINPFALZ Newspaper With the Head of the Institute / 08.01.2025

»We Are All Pulling Together in Research«

In the interview, Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel talks about her everyday life as head of the institute and her research activities. Among other things, the interview covers mobility, the lack of young talent and current energy issues. She also provides insights into the ongoing projects at the Fraunhofer ITWM.


Press Release / 02.01.2025

Simulation Tool for Climate-Friendly District Heating Management

District heating networks are becoming increasingly complex due to the feed-in of renewable energies and the trend towards decentralization. Our simulation tool »AD Net Heat« simulates the heat flows in the entire network, forecasts peak loads and helps with the planning of new networks.

Archive: Latest News at the Institute

Here you can find all news teasers from previous years.