Our team supports insurance companies in calculating Solvency Capital Requirement by developing mathematical models and AI methods that are used to assess risks and calculate capital requirements under Solvency II. These methods help companies to implement the latest research findings and meet regulatory requirements efficiently. Our expertise ranges from the development and extension of individual risk modules and improvements in the nested simulation problem to the explainability and prediction of general Solvency II parameters.
Solvency Capital Requirement Calculation: What is Solvency II All About?
The European supervisory regime Solvency II has been in force since 2016 – with the aim of preventing the insolvency of insurance companies and thus ensuring that they can fulfill their commitments even under extreme circumstances such as crises. Examples of such crises include natural disasters, stock market crashes or a high demand for health insurance benefits due to epidemics/pandemics. There are various options for calculating the solvency capital requirements: the standard formula, in which the SCR (Solvency Capital Requirement) for the modules is calculated in detail, an internal (risk) model, which should represent the insurance company as realistically as possible, and partial models, which represent a mixture of the two forms.