Use the Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Your Company!

»KI4KMU-RLP«: AI for Manufacturing Smes in Rhineland-Palatinate

Many companies are saving time and materials by using artificial intelligence (AI). To ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) also benefit from sustainable AI innovations, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate is supporting them with the new »AI4KMU-RLP« program. The Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), the Fraunhofer Institutes for Experimental Software Engineering IESE and Industrial Mathematics ITWM and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) are the cooperation partners.

Companies in Rhineland-Palatinate can now apply for the pilot phase.

The rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) offers new opportunities for manufacturing companies. Machine learning, pattern recognition and generative systems gain valuable insights from production data, reveal optimization potential and improve operational processes.

However, small and medium-sized companies in particular are facing challenges:

  • Which AI technologies are suitable for my company?
  • What investments and requirements are necessary?
  • What economic benefits can I expect?

AI for Manufacturing Smes in Rhineland-Palatinate

In Kaiserslautern, leading research institutions are pooling their AI expertise to provide targeted support to manufacturing SMEs in Rhineland-Palatinate. We help you to identify your AI use cases and submit funding applications.

Your benefits:

  • We evaluate your idea for AI application possibilities.
  • We analyze the potential of your project.
  • We develop demonstrators for practical solutions.

Our Expertise at the Fraunhofer ITWM

Our »Image Processing« department develops AI solutions for the digitalization of data and its application in industrial production. This includes:

  • AI for production-related quality control
  • AI-based image analysis 
  • Prediction of inspection intervals

Our Partners


Project Duration and Funding

The project will run for two years (until the end of 2026). The Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs is funding it with a total of around 1.56 million euros.

Partner von KI4KMU-RLP auf der Wissenschaftsmeile in Kaiserlautern.
© Google Earth View / Fraunhofer ITWM
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are reluctant to introduce AI solutions. The Chair of Production Engineering and Industrial Organization (FBK) at RPTU, together with the Fraunhofer Institutes for Experimental Software Engineering IESE and Industrial Mathematics ITWM as well as DFKI, wants to change that!
Application process for »KI4KMU«
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Application process for »KI4KMU«