Analysis of Open Foams

The strut system of open cell foams can usually be easily segmented (separated from the pore space). Given the resulting image with the strut system as foreground, porosity, specific surface area, and mean strut length per volume can be measured. Under mild model assumptions, further foam specific mean characteristics like the mean cell volume are derived. Pores inside struts are dealt with separately by filling these holes morphologically.

These mean values do however not capture the variability e.g. of the cell size. The Euclidean distance transformation on the pore space followed by the watershed transformation tessellates the pore space into cells. Based on this, image analytic reconstruction of the cells empirical distributions of cell characteristics like volume or shape can be determined.

Image-analytically separated cell system.
Reconstructed tomographic image of a nickel-chromium foam.
Reconstructed tomographic image of a nickel-chromium foam.
Image-analytically separated cell system.
Empirical Cell Size Distribution of Nickel-Chrome Foam
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Empirical Cell Size Distribution of Nickel-Chrome Foam


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