Annual Report 2023/24
Mathematics as a Key to Health
Editorial Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel, Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM
Dear readers,
»Health« is the main topic of our annual report this year. Health is said to be the greatest good. Hardly a day goes by without us thinking or talking about our own health or the physical and mental health of people close to our hearts – or reflexively wishing someone »Good health!«.
Mathematics as a Key to Health
Mathematics can improve health: our research has been helping to improve medical care for many years. We have used mathematics to initiate major advances in radiotherapy, played a key role in planning vaccine production against COVID-19, optimized the production of personalized pharmaceuticals and recently contributed to the development of an app for assessing one’s own mental resilience and an energy-efficient chip for detecting atrial fibrillation.
At our institute we are working on exciting health-related research projects, particularly many of them in our division »Optimization«, which is why we have created a separate department there. »Optimization in the Life Sciences« focuses on projects in medicine, healthcare and social sector and medical technology. Our mathematics supports decision-making and helps to optimize processes. You can find out more about this new department in the cover story of this annual report.