Young Mathematicians Get To Know the Professional World

Felix Klein Center for Mathematics Organizes Math Talent School 2023

What does the professional world of a mathematician look like and what is applied mathematics? Students from schools all over Rhineland-Palatinate can find out at our institute. Our Math Talent School is organized by the Felix Klein Center for Mathematics from July 10 to 14.

Students in grades eleven to thirteen work in teams on different problems using mathematical modeling and computer simulations. Before they start, the students choose one of the four projects they would most like to work on. The choices are:

  1. Eat and be eaten
  2. How valuable is my house?
  3. How the speed camera knows who you are
  4. Crisis: WLAN failure – How can the use of remaining access be made fair?

The results of the work are processed in the team and presented at the end of the Math Talent School as well as discussed together. In addition, the participants get various impressions of our institute and the department »Mathematics« of the University Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU). There, for example, they inform themselves about the study of mathematics.

On this page we collect impressions, statements, interviews, articles and photos of the Math Talent School 2023.

Project Groups

The four project topics are thematically as diverse as they are interesting – and the best thing about them is that they all tie in with current research areas within applied mathematics!


Eat and Be Eaten

Group »Eat and be eaten«
© Fraunhofer ITWM
The group »Eat and be eaten« is supervised by our colleagues Tim Nicolai and Davide Manfredo from the department »Mathematics for Vehicle Development« at Fraunhofer ITWM.
Gruppe »Fressen und gefressen werden«
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Höchste Konzentration in der Gruppe »Fressen und gefressen werden«.

Ecosystems are composed of animate and inanimate components whose populations form a community. But what laws determine the dynamics of these fascinating systems? And how do predator and prey species interact with each other?

Simualtion of Populations

In this project, students consider mathematical models to describe the evolution of populations. Starting from intuitive growth models of a species to the interactions of a predator-prey relationship, they try to describe, understand and simulate the relationships on the computer.

»The big difference to the approach of problems in school is that you have a topic and a question that you deal with the whole time for a week,« Lisa Fesser tells us enthusiastically. »We try to find a more and more precise solution together. At school, the context is not always clear; sometimes it's just numbers and calculations. I like that too, but I find it super interesting when the connection to reality is recognisable.« The 18-year-old is in the twelfth grade in Trier.

The group is supervised by our colleagues Tim Nicolai and Davide Manfredo from the division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« at Fraunhofer ITWM.

Voices and Impressions 2023


Interview with Benedikt Graeve

Benedikt Graeve is 18 years old and goes to the Burggymnasium in Kaiserslautern. Eva Fröhlich interviewed him at the beginning of the Talent School.