ToolIP – Tool for Image Processing

ToolIP is a software for the interactive development of image processing solutions that uses graphical modeling and drag-and-drop to enable the rapid creation of customized algorithms without requiring programming knowledge. The key functionality includes numerous mathematical image processing algorithms as plug-ins that can be flexibly combined. Solutions developed with ToolIP can be used interactively for individual images, automatically applied to image stacks and integrated into inspection systems.


Highlights of the current ToolIP2024 version:


1. Increased performance of algorithms: By optimizing the algorithm code, we have improved the speed of some algorithms. This means faster results for you!


2. Extended plugin functions: Many plugins have been equipped with new features. Discover even more possibilities!


3. Of course, we've also fixed bugs to make your experience more seamless and reliable.


4. Improved user interface: New GUI features provide a more intuitive and appealing user interface.


5. Annotation tool ToolImA: Now with a new feature: re-labeling of labels.


Simplify your workflows!

screenshot of a ToolIp graph
© Fraunhofer ITWM
screenshot of a ToolIp graph

Advantages of ToolIP

  • Graphs are platform-independent
  • Highly modular and re-usable by representing complete subgraphs as single nodes
  • Intuitive operability allows for rapid prototyping

Selection of Additional Features within ToolIP

  • Arithmetic (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulus, And, Or, …)
  • Classification (KMeans, RANSAC, …)
  • Color (ColorTransform, Separate Channels, …)
  • Data (Box, Constant, Circle, HalfPlane, …)
  • Features (Entropy, Geometry, Haralick, Total Variation, …)
  • Filter (Gauss, Mean, Sobel, Canny, Diffusion, CEShock, Median, Ranking, …)
  • Label Image (Labeling, LabelToSize, LabelToFeature, FindMax, …)
  • Manipulation (Extract, SwitchAxes, Flip, Shrink, Expand, Translate, Rotate, Resample, …)
  • Matrix (Multiply, Invert, QR, SVD, EVD, ReplicateRow/Column, …)
  • Matching (Match, FindShape, …)
  • Morphology (Dilation/Erosion, Opening/Closing, Reconstruction, FillHoles, CutHills, …)
  • Segmentation (Threshold, Otsu, FeatureSegmentation, FastChanVese, …)
  • Transformation (Distance, FFT, Hough, HoughCircle, MultiscaleWavelet, …)
  • Utility (Read ASCII, Save ASCII, Script Plugin, AutoCrop, Convert Type, Normalize, …)
Binarization Algorithm in 3 seconds with ToolIP.
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Binarization Algorithm in 3 seconds with ToolIP.