To work in industrial and research projects, the division High Performance Computing is permanently looking for Scientific Staff and Software Developers (m/f) for our various fields of activities, for example Green by IT, Deep Learning or Parallel Programming.
We expect that all applicants enjoy research and team communication, that they are confident handling of modern programming languages, preferably C++ and have an interest or experience in software development and object-oriented software design as well as having a good command of German or English.
Please look at the currently posted job vacancies or apply unsolicited.
BSc/MSc and Diploma Students
- For a thesis project in the fields of our HPC tools and applications.
- Your field of study is not restricted to mathematics or computer science, but students of physics, engineering or related areas are also invited to apply. We supervise your thesis in cooperation with your university or German "Fachhochschule"
PhD Students
We are permanently looking for PhD students. PhD students will gain scholarships according to the DFG guidance.
Graduate Assistants
The division HPC provides interesting tasks for scientific assistants from the main study course in mathematics, computer science, engineering sciences or physics. We expect basic knowledge and interest in computational simulation and/or programming competency.