Latest News



Presse Release / 05.02.2025

Dynamic Electricity Prices and Flexibility Marketing for Schoonschip

Since January 2025, the floating energy community Schoonschip of 30 houses has been connected to energy and flexibility markets. Our solution makes it possible to forecast consumption and generation to optimize the use of electricity.


Press Release / 23.01.2025

E-world Energy and Water 2025

Saving energy and using it sensibly – this goal runs through many of our projects. That's why we will be at E-world Energy and Water 2025 in Essen from February 11 to 13 to present our latest developments in the context of »Using AI, Digital Twins and Smart Algorithms to Achieve a Resource-Efficient Energy Industry«.


News / 15.01.2025

»STANCE« Whitepaper

The new whitepaper is about neuromorphic technologies that enable efficient computing solutions inspired by the human brain. As part of the »STANCE« alliance, we are promoting this progress and facilitating access for companies and research. The STANCE Knowledge Hub serves as a central platform that pools knowledge, breaks down barriers and connects researchers with industry.


Press Release / 15.11.2024

Pioneering Technologies for High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Our employees from the division »High Performance Computing« present innovative solutions for parallel programming and Artificial Intelligence at Supercomputing 2024 in Atlanta, USA. 

Two Fraunhofer spin-offs will also be at the joint booth: ThinkparQ and BeeGFS. 


Annual Report 2023/24

The highlight projects from our department in the current annual report can be downloaded here as a PDF:


Article in the Handelsblatt / 24.06.2024

Are Floating Communities the Future?

A Handelsblatt article examines the potential of real estate on water to address space issues. Could this be the next big trend in real estate? Our manufacturer-independent energy management system Amperix and our »Green by IT« team are supporting the »Schoonschip« residential project in Amsterdam.


Press Release / 08.05.2024

ISC High Performance Computing

ISC High Performance 2024 is an international conference and exhibition that fosters the growth of a global high-performance computing community of technology providers and users. Our experts from the »High Performance Computing« division were on site at our exhibition stand.


Press Release / 04.04.2024

What To Do with All the Data? – Embedded World

We are working on a hardware-aware NAS (Neural Architecture Search) that brings together several promising technologies.

At the »Embedded World« trade fair in Nuremberg, researchers from Fraunhofer ITWM will present their work at the joint Fraunhofer booth (Hall 4, Booth 422) from April 9 to 11, 2024.

Fairs and Events


Hannover / Fair / 31.03. – 04.04.2025

Hannover Messe 2025

Hannover Messe is the leading industrial trade fair. Dr. Petra Gospodnetić from department »Image Processing« presents software for creating synthetic photorealistic images together with the start-up »Medabsy«. Dr. Henrike Stephani presents the project »KI4KMU-RLP«, and Dr. Jens Krüger gives a lecture on »Next-Generation Computing at Fraunhofer«.



Edinburgh, Scotland / Conference / 24.03 – 26.03.2025

EAGE Digital 2025

EAGE Digital 2025 brings together industry and experts from geosciences, engineering and data science to exchange ideas on digital topics and present innovative technologies in the energy sector.

Mario Fernandez from the division »High Performance Computing« is presenting the lecture »Residual Moveout Correction with Deep Learning Models«.


Nuremberg / Conference / 11.03. – 13.03.2025

Embedded World 2025

The conference offers an insight into the entire world of embedded systems: from components and modules to operating systems, hardware and software design, M2M communication and services. A team from the »High Performance Computing« division and RPTU presents our AI system »Neural Architecture Search for Embedded Applications (NASE)«.


Houston, Texas, USA / Conference / 25.02. – 27.02.2025

Energy High Performance Computing

Our expert Dr. Franz-Josef Pfreundt is on site at this year's Energy HPC Conference. He is presenting a poster entitled »Towards flexible demultiple with deep learning models«, which was created by Mario Fernandez as part of our »DLseis« project.


To work in industrial and research projects, the division High Performance Computing is permanently looking for Scientific Staff and Software Developers (m/f) for our various fields of activities, for example Green by IT, Deep Learning or Parallel Programming.

We expect that all applicants enjoy research and team communication, that they are confident handling of modern programming languages, preferably C++ and have an interest or experience in software development and object-oriented software design as well as having a good command of German or English.

Please look at the currently posted job vacancies or apply unsolicited.


BSc/MSc and Diploma Students

  • For a thesis project in the fields of our HPC tools and applications.
  • Your field of study is not restricted to mathematics or computer science, but students of physics, engineering or related areas are also invited to apply. We supervise your thesis in cooperation with your university or German "Fachhochschule"


PhD Students

We are permanently looking for PhD students. PhD students will gain scholarships according to the DFG guidance.


Graduate Assistants

The division HPC provides interesting tasks for scientific assistants from the main study course in mathematics, computer science, engineering sciences or physics. We expect basic knowledge and interest in computational simulation and/or programming competency.


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C++ User Group Kaiserslautern

Our division »High Computing Performance« initiates and hosts a user group meeting at Fraunhofer ITWM to talk about topics related to C++ programming and the associated tooling environments (e.g. compilers, creation tools). In addition to lectures and open discussion sessions, workshops and tutorials are also planned. The meetings offer participants the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge with each other. Everyone interested in the C++ programming language is invited to the user group meetings – whether students, PhD students, professors or software developers.

In addition to the website with current information, we offer a mailing list: Subscribe