Project Goal: Development of an Optimization and Decision System
The FORCE consortium’s objectives relate to the development of a Business Decision Support System (BDSS) based on a framework that allows integration of existing and future materials models with empirical formulation data and commercially relevant data. The BDSS generates data-driven formulation options in support of established business practices.
Aside our project partners we want to bring together and adapt for modularity identified and existing materials models, empirical databases, and commercial information to connect into a communal computational. Moreover we build a single municipal integrated calculator for the flexible integration of modular materials science and commercial computation/analysis routines relevant to different industries and specific formulations to simulate hypothetical scenarios that, combined with multi-criteria optimizations, support business decision-making on alternatives for both existing and new formulations - the BDSS. This can be adapted for a specific and multiple KPI optimization. We develop tailored apps for emulating formulations with an easy to use graphics user interfaces (GUI) for direct practical formulation design and facilitate an easy integration of human resources in the targeted industry segments.
Our method and algorithms calculate a variety of "best compromises" based on simulations. Furthermore, we provide tools for decision support that provide the development engineer with the "best compromises" interactively. In this way, the decision-maker gets possibilities for the interactive evaluation of a solution and receives a selection of potential products.