When a building is planned, the best concept for building energy should also be planned more quickly and easily in the future. That's why we have developed optimization software together with Goldbeck. It calculates hundreds of energy scenarios within seconds and visualizes the most promising ones in a comprehensible way. These then serve as the basis for subsequent detailed planning by the expert.
An energy supply for buildings that protects resources makes a significant contribution to climate protection in Germany. Strict legal requirements (GEG, EEWärmeG) and subsidies (EEG, KWKG) are intended to achieve the lowest possible consumption of primary energy or fossil fuels for the heating and cooling of new buildings. An expected increase in energy prices in the future also offers motivation to consider alternative energy supply concepts – such as cogeneration units, geothermal energy, ad- or absorption cooling, solar thermal energy or photovoltaics. But the inclusion of these energy producers usually means a significantly higher initial investment, while the economic, long-term benefit through lower operating costs is difficult to estimate.