Frequently Asked Questions

  • For unsolicited applications, we recommend applying three to four months before the desired starting date.

  • On our career page select the position under »Job advertisements« and then log in with a Fraunhofer career account under the »Apply now« button or create an account there once and upload all application documents via this account.

  • If you have any subject-related questions, please get in touch directly with the contact person named in the job advertisement.

    If you have any administrative questions, please contact our HR team at personal(at) 

  • You can submit all the required documents on your Fraunhofer career profile. The better your profile is maintained, the better we can get a comprehensive picture of you. Your profile should contain at least:

    Cover Letter

    We would like to know what motivates you to apply and what expectations you have of us and your future job. Describe what knowledge and skills you have that match your career aspirations and provide information about yourself. 

    Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume

    A clear presentation helps us to gain a picture of your qualifications. For this reason, your CV should contain the most important information about your education and professional experience as well as your skills. If necessary, add any other information you would like to share with us so that we can get to know you better. We find tabular CVs very suitable.

    Achievements and Professional Certificates

    Your certificates document all relevant stages of your CV. Usually this includes training and study certificates as well as references from previous and/or current employers.

    Samples of your Work / Publications

    If you are applying for a scientific position and have already been published, we are interested in a list of your previous publications or a link to such a list.

  • Unfortunately, we are not able to give a general time frame here, as the processing of applications depends on several factors. We endeavor to ensure that every applicant receives feedback within four weeks at the latest. 

  • Confirmation of Receipt

    You will be sent an automated confirmation via e-Mail after we receive your application package. Your application documents will then be reviewed by the personnel department and the respective technical department. We make every effort to reach a prompt decision. In individual cases, however, this may take several weeks.


    If your application seems promising to us, we will invite you to a personal interview. As a rule, the interview lasts one hour and is conducted directly with the respective technical department. Possibly, a representative from the personnel department will also attend. We inform you in advance about all other interview participants and their functions.

    In the interview, we want to get to know you better and learn more about you and your qualifications. Of course, we also want you to learn more about us. Please allow us to answer all your questions.

    Contract Agreement

    After the interview, we will inform you as soon as possible of our decision. If you receive an offer from us and choose to accept it, a contract agreement will be drafted on this basis.

  • The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft observes the regulations laid out in the German Federal Data Protection Act. For more details, please see our data protection declaration, which you will be shown if you send us your application online.

  • After six months at the latest we will anonymize your information. Anonymized data records are then kept purely for statistical evaluation purposes. You are free to withdraw your application and also to delete your profile from the job market at any time. By applying you agree with our Privacy Policy Statement.

  • If travel expenses are incurred in connection with an interview, please mention this when arranging the appointment.

  • For questions regarding the status of your application, please contact the HR team: personl(at)

    For subject-related questions, please get in touch with the contact person named in the job advertisement.

  • If you are unable to find a suitable position among our current announcements , we also look forward to receiving your unsolicited application online under[only available in German]. 

    If you are interested in several institutes, please apply separately to each Fraunhofer-Institute. The more details we receive about the expectations of the future department and the potential start date, the better we can consider your application. 

  • If there is currently no position matching your requirements, we recommend that you register for the Fraunhofer-wide job alert: Job Alert

    You can also register for our Fraunhofer ITWM career newsletter. It provides you with the latest information on current job openings at our institute as well as other exciting projects and blog posts on the topic of »Jobs at Fraunhofer ITWM«: Fraunhofer ITWM Career Newsletter - Fraunhofer ITWM (only available in German)

  • Unless otherwise stated in the job description, our vacancies are generally intended to be recruited as soon as possible.

  • You can log in and out of the system at any time using the data registered with your online application. You can therefore continue with your application at a later date – the entries you made before the interruption will be retained, provided they have been saved temporarily.

  • If you are interested in more than one position, you are welcome to apply more than once. You will receive a separate confirmation of submission for each position.

  • No, we do not have an application deadline for our positions. You can therefore apply as long as the position is still available online.

  • Not successful this time? Of course you can also apply for other positions or try again after a period of time. However, you can not apply for the same position twice.