Decision Support for Business Management Processes with the Help of New AI Methods

Project EP-KI: Entscheidungsunterstützung für betriebswirtschaftliche Prozesse mit Hilfe neuer KI-Methoden

Our junior research group »EP-KI: Entscheidungsunterstützung für betriebswirtschaftliche Prozesse mit Hilfe neuer KI-Methoden« (Decision Support for Business Processes using New AI Methods) works at the interface between Business Administration and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The junior research group, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, focuses its research on future-oriented questions and their solution through user-friendly methods.

AI Research Fields

The field of decision support for business processes offers many interesting questions in the field of AI research. In the research group we focus on methods in the areas of time series, anomaly detection and explainability.

These three fields of research are intertwined. Many procedures are rarely applied due to the general condition of traceability. Therefore this is a highly interesting and future-oriented field of research. Especially for the detection of anomalies, where we consider atypical events as well as changes, traceability plays an essential role.

Motivated by the users, current and future-oriented questions are developed and answered with new methods.

Business and Administrative Processes

Digitization is a major challenge for public administration in the coming years. Companies are also facing similar challenges in order to remain competitive in the market. One task of the project is therefore to support the digitization of business and administrative processes and to develop new procedures.

We focus on processes related to forecasting, auditing and allocation. The topics are developed in cooperation with the associated partners:

  • The administration of the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) supports EP-KI as a contact for administrative questions and as a data supplier.
  •, as an SME that promotes the digitization of the city and municipal administration of Kaiserslautern, makes it possible to test the developed solutions locally in a practical environment.
  • The company Governikus KG, with its experience in the field of digitization of public administration, helps to identify issues.
  • The company proALPHA Businesssolution GmbH is on board as a local company that produces software for data management in companies.
The funding code of the project is 01IS20061.
Dr. Stefanie Schwaar led the new Research Group for Artificial Intelligence.
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Dr. Stefanie Schwaar led the new Research Group for Artificial Intelligence.