The division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« consists of the two departments »Dynamics, Loads, and Environmental Data« (DLU) and »Mathematics for the Digital Factory« (MDF) as well as the Tire Simulation project group and a cross section unit called MF-Technikum, which is responsible for testing and measuring systems.
Dynamics, Loads, and Environmental Data
In the department Dynamics, Loads and Environmental Data we develop methods and tools for system simulation including environmental data and usage variability. Thus we address the vehicle development attributes durability, reliability, energy efficiency and ADAS/AD. In line with this, we focus our system simulation activities on vehicle-environment-human interaction and develop tire simulation models and methods for invariant system excitation.
Mathematics for the Digital Factory
The Department Mathematics for the Digital Factory focusses on the development of software tools for virtual product development and product creation. Our software product IPS Cable Simulation, developed jointly with the FCC in Gothenburg, supports design, digital assembly and digital validation of cables, wiring harnesses and hoses. Additionally, our IPS IMMA tool is a digital human model developed to facilitate digital optimization of assembly processes