42 Female Scientists in Book Portraits

›Frau N. Hofer‹ (Ms. N. Hofer) Or the Chance to Make the World a Little Bit More Livable Every Day

Press Release /

A book of success stories that inspires young women to take up mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM) with examples from science? That alone would not be enough for the Fraunhofer researchers Manja Mai-Ly Pfaff-Kastner, Esther Packullat, Dr. Isabel Michel, Lisa Martha Kunkel and Prof. Dr. Tanja Manuela Kneiske. »Forscherinnen im Fokus – Wir schaffen Veränderung« (Female Researchers in Focus – We Are Creating Change) wants more: to look at the world of artificial intelligence and simulation through the eyes of extraordinary female scientists and tell exciting, very personal stories in the process. ›Frau N. Hofer‹, as it is known for short, traces a variety of (life) paths in science and, in doing so, »incidentally« draws attention to fascinating opportunities for shaping the future, particularly in applied research.

In a series of diverse and entertaining portraits, the book focuses on women who are providing answers to the challenges of our time. The common thread is artificial intelligence – from the discovery of fundamental algorithms to the development of groundbreaking applications, all of which make an important contribution to society. These include climate protection, sustainable energy supply, health, medicine, disaster protection, mobility and transportation, as well as machines and production.