Quirin Hoesch has been a doctoral student in the »Mathematics for the Digital Factory« department at Fraunhofer ITWM since January 1, 2023. Two years after starting, he has reached the halfway point of his doctorate – a good time to introduce him and his research in more detail:
»I completed a Bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering and then a Master's degree in computational engineering, both at Munich University of Applied Sciences,« says the 28-year-old. »I'm an engineer by background and at the beginning, not only Kaiserslautern, but also the math world of the institute was new to me. The terminology in particular was a challenge and I first had to find my way around.«
However, the topics were not completely foreign to him. The 'Computational Engineering' course focuses on precisely those methods that also play a central role at the Fraunhofer ITWM – from digital twins to artificial intelligence. Today, product development is primarily carried out using virtual methods and modern mathematics is the basis for innovations and simulations in the trending topics of Industry 4.0 or machine learning.