Networking, Learning and Growing Together: Felix Klein Autumn School 2024

Portrait of the Felix-Klein Scholarship Holders Alyssa Mori, Anton Heydenreich and Leonie Kremer

Every year, scholarship holders from different semesters come together at the Felix Klein Academy's Autumn School to work on projects, expand their networks and attend interesting lectures. We spoke to Alyssa Mori, Anton Heydenreich and Leonie Kremer about their experiences during their studies, the Felix Klein Scholarship and this year's Fall School.

Alyssa, Anton and Leonie all share the same path to applying for the Felix Klein Scholarship. »We first heard about the Felix Klein Scholarship during our participation in the Math Talent School,« the three of them recall. After enrolling at Kaiserlautern, it quickly became clear to all three of them that they wanted to apply. »The university's good reputation and the support promised by the scholarship convinced us,« was their unanimous opinion.

Many Opportunities Thanks to the Scholarship

For Alyssa, Anton and Leonie, the Felix Klein Scholarship brings a number of benefits that go far beyond financial support. »The financial aspect makes studying easier, of course,« – emphasizes Alyssa. However, she particularly appreciates the personal support from her mentor, who helped her to get a student assistant position at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM. »This gave me the opportunity to gain direct insights into the various departments and working methods at the institute,« she explains. Leonie emphasizes the practical experience she can gain at the Fraunhofer Institute as part of the scholarship. »The insights into research show me very specifically what opportunities are available. As I would like to go into research later on, the scholarship is just right for me,« she says. Anton also appreciates the versatility of the program. »The various events allow me to get to know different perspectives and illustrate how diverse mathematics and its applications can be,« says the young Munich resident.

Interview with Felix Klein scholarship holders Alyssa Mori, Anton Heydenreich and Leonie Kremer
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Interview with Felix Klein scholarship holders Alyssa Mori, Anton Heydenreich and Leonie Kremer
Alyssa Mori, scholarship holder and student assistant at the Fraunhofer ITWM, in an interview at the Felix Klein Autumn School 2024
Alyssa Mori, scholarship holder and student assistant at the Fraunhofer ITWM, in an interview at the Felix Klein Autumn School 2024

Exchange, New Perspectives and Practical Experience

The fall school is a special experience for the three as part of their scholarship. The young students appreciate the opportunity to get to know other scholarship holders. »The new faces in particular make it exciting,« emphasizes Alyssa. As there have hardly been any opportunities for exchange so far, the Autumn School offers the perfect platform for making contacts. The exchange with the higher semesters is also a great advantage. »It's incredibly valuable for us new students to learn from the experiences of the older students,« explains Leonie. The many tips and tricks make it easier for them to start their studies and provide valuable guidance. They also enjoy the different approach to mathematics: working together in small groups on complex problems opens up new perspectives and promotes exchange within the team. However, the highlights of the week for all scholarship holders are the visit to BASF and the trip to the escape room.

Project Selection: Between Prior Knowledge and the Excitement Factor

Leonie and Anton were guided by different criteria when selecting their projects. For Leonie, the required prior knowledge was the most important factor. »After that, I didn't really care which group I was sorted into,« she explains. In her opinion, you only develop a deep understanding of a project when you actively work on it and get involved in finding a solution. This approach is reflected in the commitment she brings to her project work. Anton, on the other hand, also attached great importance to the required prior knowledge, but also decided on the excitement factor. As part of the Autumn School 2024, he is working on the spread of infectious diseases in contact networks. Together with the other participants and the supervisor, he is working on various models to better understand and analyze the dynamics of such disease outbreaks.

Leonie and Anton on their choice of project groups
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Leonie and Anton on their choice of project groups

Seize Opportunities, Master Challenges and Have Fun

20-year-old Alyssa also has some valuable tips for the new scholarship holders. »Make sure you take the opportunity to gain a wide range of experience and take advantage of the scholarship,« she advises. Alyssa emphasizes that it is important to take full advantage of the many opportunities that the scholarship opens up in order to get the most out of the experience. At the same time, she warns against being overwhelmed by the amount of new content. »It can seem like a lot at first, but don't let that put you off. You'll see that with the right support, it's possible to work on all the challenges,« explains Alyssa. Finally, she reminds the new scholarship holders that the fun shouldn't fall by the wayside. »Enjoy the time and have fun with the tasks and the exchange!« – she adds.