In the vehicle design durability and reliability must be examined and validated at very early stages of the project. To map the relevant processes in the simulation correctly, all external influences have to be considered in the vehicle. These include the driver and the driver assistance systems that affect the control loop "vehicle control". The driver reaction has to be considered in any case to ensure operability and usability of new automation and assistance systems.
Prototype tests under real conditions and for all possible types of use and operator are impractical both for reasons of cost and because of the relatively poor reproducibility. The use of prototypes at early stages of development is often not possible because of the modularity of the development. Therefore, the best solution from a technical and financial perspective represents an interactive simulator to assess complex situations in combination with the driver's influence under highly reproducible conditions and without risk.
For this reason, we have designed an interactive motion simulator based on an industrial robot at the ITWM. RODOS® allows with 1000kg payload the use of series cabs and chassis, so that the feel and haptic impression is close to real vehicles. Within a spherical projection dome with 10 m diameter seamless projection of an interactive scene is generated. The range of motion of the robot system is very large compared to conventional hexapod platforms.