Optimal Treatment Paths for Lung Diseases

Project »AI4Lungs«: AI-Based Personalized Treatment of Respiratory Diseases Based on Multimodal Data

Lung diseases form a very heterogeneous group of serious illnesses. Targeted and successful treatment requires an early and precise diagnosis of the disease in question. However, carrying out complex examinations and planning the best possible individual therapies is a major challenge in everyday clinical practice.

Individualized Multimodal Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Diseases

In the project »AI4Lungs«, digital tools, methods and models for the optimal selection of clinical treatment paths for lung patients are being developed in cooperation with international partners from research, development and medicine. In the first step, patients undergo innovative and wide-ranging diagnostics, whose multi-modal data is then automatically analysed. Based on the results of the analysis and together with the patients, treating physicians plan their further therapy along the most suitable clinical treatment pathways. The results from »AI4Lungs« will enable resource-efficient and medically optimized care for lung diseases in the future.

Improved Care With Modern AI Procedures and Digitally Assisted Treatment Planning

For in-depth diagnostics, »AI4Lungs« relies on several examination methods such as medical imaging, digital stethoscopy, liquid biopsy and molecular pathology. The analysis of the multi-modal data collected in this way requires the combined use of various artificial intelligence (AI) methods, such as ensemble learning, entropy-based learning methods, computational linguistics or deep learning.

Based on the analysis results obtained, the attending physician selects the best possible case-specific therapy path for further treatment together with the patient using a decision support system. This system uses methods of multi-criteria and sequential decision-making, knowledge-based systems and explainable and ethical AI. In »AI4Lungs«, we are primarily working on the decision support system and its interaction with AI-based data analysis.

Concept of the Project »AI4Lungs«
© Fraunhofer ITWM /freepik
Concept of the Project »AI4Lungs«

Project Partner 

  • Instituto de Engenhariade Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciencia
  • University Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
  • Instituto de Investigacao e Inovacao em Saude da Universidade do Porto
  • KPMG Somekh Chaikin Partnership
  • EXUS Software Monoprosopi Etairia Periorismenis Evthinis
  • Yonalink Ltd.
  • Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
  • Academisch Medisch Centrum bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho Epe
  • Mor Research Applications Ltd.
  • Oslo Universitetssykehus Hf.
  • Funacio Privada Institut d’Investigacio Oncologica de Vall-Hebron
  • Greek Ministry of Health
  • Future Needs Management Consulting Ltd.
  • Institute for Digital Transformation in Healthcare GmbH
  • Time.Lex
  • Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Funding and Duration

The project is funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Program »Computational Models for New Patient Stratification Strategies«. The funding runs from January 2024 and is set to run for four years.

Gruppenbild beim Projektmeeting AI4LUNGS« vom 25. bis 26. Februar 2025 in Kaiserslautern.
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Group photo at the »AI4LUNGS« project meeting from February 25 to 26, 2025 in Kaiserslautern.