The aim of the project is to develop an optimization engine for Opti-Trans®, a software tool for dispatching transports requests (for patients and/or supplies) in real time.
dispatching of transport requests to staff operating on foot as well as to vehicles (including multi-passenger rides)
consideration of desired pickup/delivery times, priority of the transport, special required equipment, ancillary transport means and medical staff, etc.
dial-a-ride problem with additional hospital-specific constraints
efficient optimization algorithms for resource planning and vehicle routing
improved quality of the transport service through reduced waiting times for patients
lower running costs through decreasing travel times, avoidance of empty trips, and improved resource usage
Project Partners
SIEDA GmbH, Kaiserslautern
Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt am Main - Höchst
Operations Research in Medicine
In the following projects we furthermore work in the field Operations Research in medicine:
Scheduling Medical Appointments
An efficient organization and a seamless flow of all activities are of great importance not only for the patients but also for the staff members.
The collaborative project HealthFaCT is developing an innovative software-based optimization and decision-making system to improve outpatient medical care.