
Your Transition From Student to Career

We facilitate your transition from student to career by providing individual advice and support right from the start.

Once you have completed your studies, we offer direct entry into a wide range of tasks with plenty of research freedom, as well as the opportunity to do a doctorate while working at the institute. As a post-doctoral researcher, you will benefit from our advanced training programmes and close networking with industry.

Have you successfully completed a mathematics, computer science, physics, or other technical study program? Would you like to earn a PhD while applying your knowledge at the same time? At Fraunhofer ITWM, you will find the ideal prerequisites: As a doctoral candidate, even though you will be involved in actual research projects, enough time will remain for you to work on dissertation. By combining your dissertation work with specific industrial problems, you can gain academic expertise and practical experience.

What Sets You Apart

  • an above average academic degree – preferably in the fields Mathematics, Computer Science or Physics
  • a strong interest in learning new topics
  • the ability to implement models and concepts in algorithms and software
  • advanced knowledge level in an object-oriented programming language (in particular, C#, C/C++ or Java)
  • good knowledge of German and English – written and spoken

What We Offer

  • full-time PhD scholarship
  • current doctoral thesis in applied research
  • individual supervision within the framework of your doctoral thesis by experienced scientists at Fraunhofer ITWM and the supporting university (generally, three years)
  • individually tailored training support
  • networking opportunities at home and abroad
  • freedom for self-directed activities
  • flat hierarchies and a cooperative management style

Maxime Krier und Firoozeh Aga – PhD Students at the Mathematics Location Kaiserslautern

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»The location Kaiserslautern is of course especially interesting for mathematicians.« In addition to our institute, this is also due to the excellent teaching in the department of »Mathematics« at the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU). The university also supports students during their doctoral studies.

PhD students at Fraunhofer ITWM are also involved in real research projects from the very beginning, but at the same time they have enough time for their dissertation. By linking the doctoral thesis to concrete industrial problems, the PhD students gain practical experience in addition to academic expertise. In the latest video, Maxime Krier and Firoozeh Aga give insights into their Lautrer math story and on the topic of »Doing a PhD at Kaiserslautern«.

Have you successfully completed a mathematics, computer science, physics, or other technical study program and would like to start your scientific career with one of the most prestigious employers for applied research? By starting with us, the door is opened for you to exciting research subjects and diverse development opportunities. In our transfer projects, we transfer responsibility to you at an early stage.

What Sets You Apart

  • an above average academic degree – preferably in the fields Mathematics, Computer Science or Physics
  • a strong interest in learning new topics
  • the ability to implement models and concept in algorithms and software
  • advanced knowledge level in an object-oriented programming language (in particular, C#, C/C++ or Java)
  • good knowledge of German and English – written and spoken

What We Offer

  • employment, compensation, and social benefits law federal collective wage agreement (TVöD Bund). In addition, we provide performance and success related variable compensation components.
  • networking opportunities at home and abroad
  • individually tailored training support
  • freedom for self-directed activities
  • flat hierarchies and a cooperative management style

We place a high value on providing a family-friendly work environment: Flexible work times, child daycare center, a parent-and-child office, and much more make Fraunhofer ITWM one of the most attractive employers in Kaiserslautern. More information is provided on our Employer services page.

How Do I Apply?

Apply directly for one of our PhD positions or job openings for scientists or submit an unsolicited application. Ensure if submitting an unsolicited application that you specify the department(s) or research subject areas that best correspond with your interests. You will determine your PhD thesis after close consultation with your supervisor at Fraunhofer ITWM. The Fraunhofer ITWM supervisor will also establish contact with the supervising university. We recommend you submit your unsolicited application 3-4 months before your desired start.

Getting a Job as a Mathematician: This Is What It’s Really Like! | alpha Uni

German Video

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German Report of ARD alpha Uni

»I have the feeling that I can be of use. What can be better than that? Also, doing what you love to do at the same time: for me, that's mathematics.«

Between strong coffee, dedicated project work, exciting online meetings and new algorithms – ARD alpha Uni accompanied our colleague Dr. Tobias Seidel in his everyday life at Fraunhofer ITWM. In projects, he supports companies from the chemical industry in making technical processes more energy-efficient or in getting the most out of gemstone cutting. As a mathematician, he also takes on challenges in quantum computing.

Tobias is a Lautrer (Kaiserslautrer) fast starter and, even though he comes from Freiburg, has long had close bonds to Kaiserlautern as a maths location: He studied mathematics at the RPTU from 2011 to 2016, was a Felix Klein scholarship holder during his Bachelor's and Master's studies, then did his doctorate with us until 2019 and has been a full member of staff in the division »Optimization« since 2020.

This short report makes one thing clear: even at the beginning of their careers, mathematicians change the world a little bit for the better – in line with our motto »Mathematics for a Good Future«. ARD alpha Uni s a format of the editorial department »Wissen und Bildung aktuell« of the Bayerischer Rundfunk.

A detailed report is also available on the German Website of ARD alpha Uni.