ToolIP ['tuɪlɪp] is written for Tool for Image Processing, but the acronym sounds collapsed similar to the word tulip, phonetic script: tjuɪlɪp.
ToolIP ['tuɪlɪp] is written for Tool for Image Processing, but the acronym sounds collapsed similar to the word tulip, phonetic script: tjuɪlɪp.
We offer developer licenses (including support) and discounted educational licenses. On request, we can offer a tailor-made license.
All bug fixes for one year from purchase are included in the purchase price.
For a developer license, e-mail support for ToolIP is included. Training, algorithmic support and extensions (eg for additional plug-ins for cameras or algorithms) are available on request.
ToolIP can run on PCs (also multicore) with Windows 10, 7 and XP, with 64-bit each. The demands on the working memory result essentially from the size of the image data used. For most 2D applications, 4GB of RAM is sufficient. Several Linux versions are supported on request.
Documentation of ToolIP and the algorithms is contained in PDF format. There are tooltip descriptions for each function, and description tabs for each plug-in.
ToolIPs demo version is fully functional. However, the size of input images is limited to 256 x 256 x 8 pixels and saving images is not possible. Further, no SDK is included, i.e. it is not possible to write new algorithms to extend the demo version.
ToolIP itself is largely implemented in C ++. The SDK provides a C ++ interface. Interfaces to other software packages or programming environments are, of course, also feasible. We are happy to implement these interfaces for you on request.
In general, the evaluation and representation of defects and their statistics is highly application-dependent. We are happy to assist you in creating a specific solution.
Currently, GigE cameras are connected to ToolIP. However, the connection of other cameras is usually not complicated and can be carried out by on request.