Profile of Ralf Kirsch

Fields of Activity / Competences

  • Head of development of the Filter Element Simulation Toolbox FiltEST
  • Modeling and simulation of filtration
  • Optimization of filtering media
  • Coupling of CFD and structural mechanics simulation <FilterDeformation>




Collection of the publications of Ralf Kirsch in the Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2023 Multiscale modelling and simulation of coolant particle filters and ion exchangers in electric mobility
Osterroth, Sebastian; Kirsch, Ralf
Conference Paper
2023 Vom Prozess bis zur Multiphysik: Digitale Zwillinge für die Filtration
Kirsch, Ralf; Schmeißer, Andre
Journal Article
2023 Influence of material compression on the mechanical and electrostatic capturing efficiency of filter media
Mercier, Christian; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Rief, Stefan; Kerner, Maximilian; Antonyuk, Sergiy
Conference Paper
2023 From production process to operation: Digital twins for filtration
Kirsch, Ralf; Schmeißer, Andre
Journal Article
2023 Modellbasierte Vorhersage der Abscheideleistung von Filtervliesstoffen mit fertigungsbedingten Inhomogenitäten
Mercier, Christian; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Kerner, Maximilian; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2023 Flow-induced deformation of nonwoven filter media: Experiments, modeling and simulation
Kirsch, Ralf; Köbler, Jonathan; Puderbach, Vanessa; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Henkelmann, Nicola; Weirich, Marc
Conference Paper
2023 Efficient simulation of flow-induced deformation of woven filter media
Krier, Maxime; Kirsch, Ralf; Mercier, Christian; Orlik, Julia; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
Conference Paper
2022 Modelle und Algorithmen für die Prozess- und Produktoptimierung von Vliesstoffen für persönliche Schutzausrüstung
Kirsch, Ralf; Hietel, Dietmar; Mercier, Christian; Osterroth, Sebastian; Schnebele, Johannes; Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Microscale modelling and simulation of the removal of water from diesel fuel using hydrophobic separator meshes
Antonyuk, Sergiy; Elsayed, Omar; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2022 Flow-induced deformation of filter media - Part 1: Experimental characterization and 3D simulation of the mechanical properties of filter media during perfusion
Puderbach, Vanessa; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Kirsch, Ralf; Lykhachova, Olga
Conference Paper
2022 Models and algorithms for the optimization of processes and nonwoven products used in personal protective equipment
Kirsch, Ralf; Hietel, Dietmar; Mercier, Christian; Osterroth, Sebastian; Schladitz, Katja; Schnebele, Johannes; Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Flow-induced deformation of filter media - part 2: Modeling and simulation
Kirsch, Ralf; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Puderbach, Vanessa; Deshpande, Ruturaj
Conference Paper
2022 Influence of an inhomogeneous material distribution on the overall filtration efficiency of fibrous media
Mercier, Christian; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Rief, Stefan
Conference Paper
2022 Modeling and simulation of moisture penetration and wearing time of face masks
Böhle, Martin; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Schwarzwälder, Alexander
Conference Paper
2021 Pore-Scale Simulation of the Interaction between a Single Water Droplet and a Hydrophobic Wire Mesh Screen in Diesel
Elsayed, Omar; Kirsch, Ralf; Krull, Fabian; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Osterroth, Sebastian
Journal Article
2021 An improved scheme for the interface reconstruction and curvature approximation for flow simulations of two immiscible fluids
Elsayed, Omar; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Antonyuk, Sergiy
Journal Article
2019 Modeling the dynamics of filtration processes under variable flow conditions
Osterroth, Sebastian; Kirsch, Ralf
Conference Paper
2019 Investigation of magnetic separation for the cleaning of automatic transmission fluids
Rack, Paul; Dedering, Michael; Feggeler, Daniel; Lavante, Ernst von; Kirsch, Ralf
Conference Paper
2019 Computer-aided study of the Diesel-water separation efficiency of screen meshes
Elsayed, Omar; Antonyuk, Sergiy; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2019 A multi-scale study of the permeability of compressed nonwoven filter media
Rief, Stefan; Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Staub, Sarah
Conference Paper
2018 Combined depth and cake filtration model coupled with flow simulation for flat and pleated filters
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Osterroth, S.
Journal Article
2018 Potenzial zur Beschleunigung - Simulationsbasierte Filteroptimierung mit dem virtuellen Prüfstand
Kirsch, Ralf
Journal Article
2018 Build-up of internal cake in layered filtering media
Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Rief, Stefan
Conference Paper
2018 Including filter media heterogeneities in the simulation of filtration processes
Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Rief, Stefan; Staub, Sarah
Conference Paper
2018 A two-scale approach for the computation of flow through pleated filters based on real image data
Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Osterroth, Sebastian; Rief, Stefan
Conference Paper
2017 Coupling of CFD and structural mechanics simulation for the prediction of manufacturing effects on filter media
Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Rief, Stefan; Staub, Sarah; Osterroth, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2016 Towards the simulation of manufacturing effects on multi-layered filter media
Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Staub, Sarah
Conference Paper
2016 Numerical simulation of the fluid flow and poroelastic deformation in round pleated filter cartridges
Iliev, D.; Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.
Conference Paper
2016 Kopplung von CFD und Elastizitätslösern zur Simulation der strömungsinduzierten Verformung von Filtermedien
Kirsch, Ralf; Iliev, Dimitar; Iliev, Oleg; Kabel, Matthias; Staub, Sarah
Conference Paper
2016 Combined depth and cake filtration coupled to flow simulation
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Osterroth, S.
Conference Paper
2015 Modellierung und Simulation von Filtrationsprozessen
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Experimental study and numerical simulation of the flow-induced deformation of filtering media in automotive transmission filters
Kabel, M.; Kirsch, R.; Staub, S.; Bernards, D.; Dedering, M.
Conference Paper
2015 Efficient simulations of poroelastic deformations in pleated filters
Iliev, D.; Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Mikelic, A.; Printsypar, V.; Calo, V.
Conference Paper
2015 Experimental and numerical study of the interaction between fluid flow and filtering media on the macroscopic scale
Grosjean, N.; Iliev, D.; Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Lance, M.; Michard, M.; Mikelic, A.
Journal Article
2015 Cake filtration simulation for poly-dispersed spherical particles
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Osterroth, S.
Conference Paper
2015 An investigation on the shorter lifetime of pleated filter compared to flat sheet
Cheng, L.; Becker, J.; Wiegmann, A.; Kirsch, R.
Conference Paper
2015 Modeling and simulation of filtration processes
Iliev, Oleg; Kirsch, Ralf; Lakdawala, Zahra; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 On computer simulation of fluid-porous structure interaction problems for a class of filtration problems
Iliev, Oleg; Iliev, Dimitar; Kirsch, Ralf
Conference Paper
2014 MPFA algorithm for solving Stokes-Brinkman equations on quadrilateral grids
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Printsypar, G.
Conference Paper
2014 Numerical prediction of the properties of filter media and simulation of filtration processes in pleated filters
Cheng, L.; Kirsch, R.; Becker, J.; Wiegmann, A.
Conference Paper
2014 Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of filter elements
Iliev, D.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Zemitis, A.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2013 Effizienzsteigernde Verfahrensweisen bei der simulationsgestützten Filterauslegung
Iliev, Oleg; Kirsch, Ralf; Lakdawala, Zahra; Zemitis, Aivars
Journal Article
2013 Numerical simulation of non-Darcy flow using filter element simulation toolbox (FiltEST)
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2013 Modelling and simulation of fluid-porous structure interaction on the filter element scale
Kirsch, Ralf; Iliev, Dimitar; Iliev, Oleg; Mikelic, Andro; Dedering, Michael
Conference Paper
2013 PleatLab. A pleat scale simulation environment for filtration simulation
Cheng, L.; Kirsch, R.; Wiegmann, A.; Gervais, P.-C.; Bardin-Monnier, N.; Thomas, D.
Conference Paper
2013 Modeling and numerical simulation on the filter element scale
Iliev, D.; Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Zemitis, A.
Conference Paper
2012 CAE zur Simulation von Filterelementen
Andrä, Heiko; Iliev, Oleg; Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Lakdawala, Zahra; Dedering, Michael
Journal Article
2012 Models and methods for the simulation of filter elements
Andrä, Heiko; Iliev, Oleg; Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Lakdawala, Zahra
Conference Paper
2011 Fluid-structure interaction in porous media for loaded filter pleats
Andrä, Heiko; Iliev, Oleg; Kabel, Matthias; Kirsch, Ralf; Lakdawal, Zahra; Ricker, Sarah
Journal Article
2011 CFD-simulations for better filter element design
Iliev, O.; Lakdawala, Z.; Kirsch, R.; Steiner, K.; Toroshchin, E.; Dedering, M.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2011 On some macroscopic models for depth filtration
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2011 Computer aided engineering for the design of filter elements
Iliev, O.; Kabel, M.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Starikovicius, V.; Dedering, M.
Conference Paper
2011 Modelling and simulation of filter media loading and of pleats deflection
Andrä, H.; Iliev, O.; Kabel, M.; Lakdawala, Z.; Kirsch, R.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2010 The uniformly heated inelastic Boltzmann equation in Fourier space
Kirsch, R.; Rjasanow, S.
Journal Article
2008 The fourier transformed inelastic Boltzmann equation
Kirsch, R.; Rjasanow, S.
Journal Article
2007 A weak formulation of the Boltzmann equation based on the Fourier transform
Kirsch, R.; Rjasanow, S.
Journal Article
2007 Programmieren in C. Eine mathematikorientierte Einführung
Kirsch, Ralf; Schmitt, Uwe
2006 Some explicit expressions of the Fourier transformed Boltzmann equation
Rjasanow, S.; Kirsch, R.
Journal Article
2006 On estimates of the Boltzmann collision operator with cut-off
Duduchava, R.; Kirsch, R.; Rjasanow, S.
Journal Article
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