Profile of Konrad Steiner

Fields of Activity / Competences


Major Publications

  • Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.:
    Modeling and Simulation of Filtration Processes.
    Currents in Industrial Mathematics, 163-228, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
  • Becker, J.; Wieser, C.; Fell, S.; Steiner, K.:
    A multi-scale approach to material modeling of fuel cell diffusion media.
    International journal of heat and mass transfer 54, No.7-8, pp.1360-1368, 2011.
  • Ginzburg, I.; Steiner, K.:
    Lattice Boltzmann model for free-surface flow and its application to filling process in casting.
    Journal of computational physics 185, No.1, pp.61-99, 2003.


Collection of the publications of Konrad Steiner in the Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 On the ultimate strength of heterogeneous slender structures based on multi-scale stress decomposition
Orlik, Julia; Neusius, David; Steiner, Konrad; Krier, Maxime
Journal Article
2024 Multi-Scale Simulation of a Novel Integrated Reactor for Hydrogen Production by Ammonia Decomposition
Blauth, Sebastian; Damay, Julie; Osterroth, Sebastian; Leithäuser, Christian; Hofmann, Christian; Kolb, Gunther; Wichert, Martin; Steiner, Konrad; Bortz, Michael
Journal Article
2024 Multi‐Criteria Shape Optimization of Flow Fields for Electrochemical Cells
Blauth, Sebastian; Baldan, Marco; Osterroth, Sebastian; Leithäuser, Christian; Apfel, Ulf-Peter; Kleinhaus, Julian; Pellumbi, Kevinjeorjios; Siegmund, Daniel; Steiner, Konrad; Bortz, Michael
Journal Article
2023 Polarization imaging for surface fiber orientation measurements of carbon fiber sheet molding compounds
Schommer, D.; Duhovic, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Ernst, Jürgen; Schladitz, Katja; Moghiseh, Ali; Gortner, F.; Hausmann, J.; Mitschang, P.; Steiner, Konrad
Journal Article
2023 Efficient simulation of flow-induced deformation of woven filter media
Krier, Maxime; Kirsch, Ralf; Mercier, Christian; Orlik, Julia; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
Conference Paper
2022 Modelle und Algorithmen für die Prozess- und Produktoptimierung von Vliesstoffen für persönliche Schutzausrüstung
Kirsch, Ralf; Hietel, Dietmar; Mercier, Christian; Osterroth, Sebastian; Schnebele, Johannes; Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Digitizing the Production of Carbon Fiber Sheet Molding Compounds
Duhovic, Miro; Hoffmann, Thomas; Schommer, Dominic; Ernst, Jürgen; Schladitz, Katja; Moghiseh, Ali; Gortner, Florian; Hausmann, Joachim M.; Mitschang, Peter; Steiner, Konrad
Conference Paper
2022 Models and algorithms for the optimization of processes and nonwoven products used in personal protective equipment
Kirsch, Ralf; Hietel, Dietmar; Mercier, Christian; Osterroth, Sebastian; Schladitz, Katja; Schnebele, Johannes; Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Simulation of Leather Visco-Elastic Behavior Based on Collagen Fiber-Bundle Properties and a Meso-Structure Network Model
Dietrich, S.; Lykhachova, O.; Cheng, X.; Godehardt, M.; Kronenberger, M.; Meyer, M.; Neusius, D.; Orlik, J.; Schladitz, K.; Schulz, H.; Steiner, K.; Voigt, D.
Journal Article
2021 Simulation Model for Direct Laser Writing of Metallic Microstructures Composed of Silver Nanoparticles
Palmer, Thomas; Waller, Erik H.; Andrä, Heiko; Steiner, Konrad; Freymann, Georg von
Journal Article
2021 Numerical simulation with experimental validation of the structural reaction injection moulding of 3D continuous fibre reinforced polyurethane foam
Schäfer, K.; Nestler, D.; Jahn, K.; Niedziela, D.; Ireka, I.; Steiner, K.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2021 Recent Efforts in Modeling and Simulation of Textiles
Orlik, Julia; Krier, Maxime; Neusius, David; Pietsch, Kathrin; Sivak, Olena; Steiner, Konrad
Journal Article
2020 The way to design a textile with required critical folding deformation
Wackerle, S.; Orlik, J.; Hauck, M.; Lykhachova, O.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2020 Size segregation in compressible granular shear flows of binary particle systems
Gilberg, D.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2020 Numerical studies of the viscosity of reacting polyurethane foam with experimental validation
Schäfer, K.; Nestler, D.; Tröltzsch, J.; Ireka, I.; Niedziela, D.; Steiner, K.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2020 Adjoint optimization for the general rate model of liquid chromatography
Osterroth, S.; Menstell, P.; Schwämmle, A.; Ohser, J.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2019 Material characterization and compression molding simulation of CF-SMC materials in a press rheometry test
Schommer, Dominic; Duhovic, Miro; Romanenko, Vitali; Andrae, Heiko; Steiner, Konrad; Schneider, Matti; Hausmann, Joachim M.
Conference Paper
2019 Computational analysis of nonuniform expansion in polyurethane foams
Niedziela, D.; Ireka, I.E.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2019 Modelling of Granular Flow on Micro- and Macroscopic Scales with Calibration Using Experimental and Numerical Setups
Hesse, Robert; Gilberg, Dominik; Steiner, Konrad; Antonyuk, Sergiy
Conference Paper
2018 Application of a coupled CFD/LP code approach for containment simulations of a konvoi type PWR plant
Klein-Hessling, W.; Sonnenkalb, M.; Zemitis, A.; Iliev, O.; Steiner, K.
Conference Paper
2018 Simulation and Experimental Validation of Spacer Fabrics Based on their Structure and Yarn's Properties
Orlik, J.; Pietsch, K.; Fassbender, A.; Sivak, O.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2017 Virtual characterization of dense granular flow through a vertically rotating feeding experiment
Niedziela, Dariusz; Rau, Sebastian; Steiner, Konrad; Vita, Simone de; Lutsche, Marion; Richter, Meike; Schmidt, Mattias; Stoltz, Christopher
Journal Article
2017 Simulation of RIM-process for polyurethane foam expansion in fiber reinforced sandwich structures
Tröltzsch, Jürgen; Schäfer, Kay; Niedziela, Dariusz; Ireka, Ikenna; Steiner, Konrad; Kroll, Lothar
Journal Article
2017 Flow and deposition simulation related to chromatographic separation processes
Liebscher, André; Osterroth, Sebastian; Redenbach, Claudia; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
2017 A hydrodynamic model for granular material flows including segregation effects
Gilberg, Dominik; Klar, Axel; Steiner, Konrad
Conference Paper
2016 Charakterisierung, Auslegung und Optimierung granularer Strömungsprozesse
Rau, Sebastian; Niedziela, Dariusz; Schmidt, Sebastian; Steiner, Konrad
Journal Article
2016 Automotive filtration - fibrillation makes the difference
Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad; Slater, Andrew
2016 Computational analysis of polyurethane foam expansion process in fiber reinforced sandwich structures
Tröltzsch, J.; Ireka, I.; Niedziela, D.; Steiner, K.; Schäfer, K.; Helbig, F.; Kroll, L.
Conference Paper
2016 Development of a crash simulation method for long-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (LFT) components based on fiber orientation from mold-filliing simulation
Schulenberg, L.; Lienhard, J.; Niedziela, D.; Shklyar, I.; Steiner, K.; Lauterbach, B.
Conference Paper
2016 Entwicklung einer Methode zur Crashsimulation von langfaserverstärkten Thermoplast (LFT) Bauteilen auf Basis der Faserorientierung aus der Formfüllsimulation
Sun, D.-Z.; Schulenberg, L.; Lienhard, J.; Andrieux, F.; Huberth, F.; Andrä, H.; Niedziela, D.; Shklyar, I.; Steiner, K.; Wirjadi, O.
2015 Modellierung und Simulation von Filtrationsprozessen
Iliev, O.; Kirsch, R.; Lakdawala, Z.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Determination of the capillary pressure - saturation relation for paper based on its 3D microstructure
Schulz, Volker; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
2015 Numerics
Iliev, Oleg; Steiner, Konrad; Wirjadi, Oliver
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Modeling and simulation of filtration processes
Iliev, Oleg; Kirsch, Ralf; Lakdawala, Zahra; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Computational modelling of the complex dynamics of chemically blown polyurethane foam
Ireka, I.E.; Niedziela, D.; Schäfer, K.; Tröltzsch, J.; Steiner, K.; Helbig, F.; Chinyoka, T.; Kroll, L.
Journal Article
2015 Continuum numerical simulation of multiphase granular suspension flow in the context of applications for the mechanical processing industry
Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J.; Zemerli, C.
Journal Article
2015 PHREASIM - Ein Expertensystem zur Simulation von Fließverhältnissen in Grundwassermessstellen und deren unmittelbarem Nahfeld
Drießen, Joachim; Schoettler, Marc; Enzmann, Frieder; Lakdawala, Zahra; Steiner, Konrad; Popov, Petr; Iliev, Oleg; Drews, Michael; Wieber, Georg; Kersten, Michael
Journal Article
2015 Berechnung
Iliev, O.; Steiner, K.; Wirjadi, O.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Multi-phase-simulation of suspension flow through granular beads in a rotating disk mill
Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J.
Conference Paper
2013 Simulation of multiphysics in a NPP containment using combined codes with different spatial resolution
Zemitis, A.; Iliev, O.; Steiner, K.; Klein-Hessling, W.; Sonnenkalb, M.; Freitag, M.
Conference Paper
2012 3D simulation of the permeability tensor in a soil aggregate on basis of nanotomographic imaging and LBE solver
Khan, F.; Enzmann, F.; Kersten, M.; Wiegmann, A.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2012 Vliesstoffe für technische Anwendungen
Beier, H.; Vogel, C.; Haase, J.; Hunger, M.; Schmalz, E.; Sauer-Kunze, M.; Bergmann, L.; Lieberenz, K.; Fuchs, H.; Frijlink, J.J.; Schmidt, G.; Wiesmann, A.; Durst, M.; Best, W.; Burmeister, A.; Wiegmann, A.; Kunze, M.; Latz, A.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2012 3D simulation of the permeability tensor in a soil aggregate on basis of nanotomographic imaging and LBE solver
Khan, F.; Enzmann, F.; Kersten, M.; Wiegmann, A.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2011 A multi-scale approach to material modeling of fuel cell diffusion media
Becker, J.; Wieser, C.; Fell, S.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2011 CFD-simulations for better filter element design
Iliev, O.; Lakdawala, Z.; Kirsch, R.; Steiner, K.; Toroshchin, E.; Dedering, M.; Starikovicius, V.
Conference Paper
2010 Porous materials of electrochemical cells in the CAE design process
Fell, S.; Steiner, K.; Latz, A.; Zausch, J.; Becker, F.J.; Becker, J.; Less, G.B.; Seo, J.H.; Han, S.; Sastry, A.M.
Conference Paper
2009 Interaction of fluid with porous structure in filtration processes: Modelling and simulation of pleats deflection
Andrä, H.; Iliev, O.; Kabel, M.; Lakdawala, Z.; Starikovicius, V.; Steiner, K.
Conference Paper
2009 Numerical investigation of a combined lattice Boltzmann-level set method for three-dimensional multiphase flow
Thömmes, G.; Becker, J.; Junk, M.; Vaikuntam, A.K.; Kehrwald, D.; Klar, A.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.
Journal Article
2009 A lattice Boltzmann method for immiscible multiphase flow simulations using the level set method
Thömmes, G.; Becker, J.; Junk, M.; Vaikuntam, A.K.; Kehrwald, D.; Klar, A.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.
Journal Article
2008 A Lattice Boltzmann method for immiscible multiphase flow simulations using the level set method
Thömmes, G.; Becker, J.; Junk, M.; Vaikuntam, A.K.; Kehrwald, D.; Klar, A.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.
2008 Modelling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems in Industrial Filtration Processes
Iliev, O.; Lakdawala, Z.; Latz, A.; Popov, P.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.
Conference Paper
2007 Computation of dilute two-phase flow in a pump
Hazra, S.B.; Steiner, K.
Conference Paper
2006 Simulation und virtuelles Design von Filtermedien und Filterelementen
Rief, S.; Iliev, O.; Kehrwald, D.; Latz, A.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2006 Numerical algorithms for solving problems of multiphase flows in porous media
Èiegis, R.; Iliev, O.; Starikovièius, V.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2006 Numerical algorithems for solving problems of multiphase flows in porous media
Ciegis, R.; Iliev, O.; Starikovicius, V.; Steiner, K.
2006 Simulation based design of dielectrophoretic traps
Drese, K.S.; Kehrwald, D.; Latta, D.; Latz, A.; Schönfeld, F.; Steiner, K.; Thömmes, G.
Conference Paper
2005 Flow, heat conductivity, and gas diffusion in partly saturated microstructures
Schulz, V.; Kehrwald, D.; Wiegmann, A.; Steiner, K.
Conference Paper
2005 OPTCAST - Entwicklung adäquater Strukturoptimierungsverfahren für Gießereien
Andrä, H.; Linn, J.; Matei, I.; Shklyar, I.; Steiner, K.; Teichmann, E.
2005 IPP - Integrierte Produktpolitik
Andrä, H.; Schulz, V.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.; Heil, U.; Müller, A.; Riedel, B.; Widmann, U.; Achatz, D.; Hornfeck, U.; Tröger, K.; Herrmann, S.; Becker, U.; Dejaeger, L.; Bischoff, L.
2005 Investigations on impregnation effects on a non-crimp fiber bed
Repsch, M.; Huber, U.; Rief, S.; Kehrwald, D.; Steiner, K.
Conference Paper
2005 Surface models for coupled modelling of runoff and sewer flow in urban areas
Ettrich, N.; Steiner, K.; Thomas, M.; Rothe, R.
Journal Article
2004 On modelling and simulation of different regimes for liquid polymer moulding
Ciegis, R.; Iliev, O.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.
2004 Process simulation of LPM (Liquid Polymer Moulding) in special consideration of fluid velocity and viscosity characteristics
Repsch, Matthias; Huber, Ulrich; Maier, Martin; Rief, Stefan; Kehrwald, Dirk; Steiner, Konrad
Conference Paper
2003 Lattice Boltzmann model for free-surface flow and its application to filling process in casting
Ginzburg, I.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2002 Lattice Boltzmann model for free-surface flow and its application to filling process in casting
Ginzburg, I.; Steiner, K.
2002 A free-surface lattice Boltzmann method for modelling the filling of expanding cavities by Bingham fluids
Ginzburg, I.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2001 Simulation of the fiber spinning process
Rave, H.; Tiemeier, H.; Götz, T.; Reinel-Bitzer, D.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2001 Simulation of the fiber spinning process
Götz, T.; Rave, H.; Reinel-Bitzer, D.; Steiner, K.; Tiemeier, H.
2001 Free surface lattice-Boltzmann method to model the filling of expanding cavities by Bingham Fluids
Ginzburg, I.; Steiner, K.
2000 A finite-volume particle method for compressible flows
Hietel, D.; Steiner, K.; Struckmeier, J.
Journal Article
1998 A finite-volume particle method for compressible flows
Hietel, D.; Steiner, K.; Struckmeier, J.
1996 Weighted particle methods solving kinetic equations for dilute ionized gases
Steiner, Konrad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
1996 Second order scheme for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with Maxwellian molecules
Struckmeier, J.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
1995 A comparison of simulation methods for rarefied gas flows
Struckmeier, J.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
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Other Publications

  • Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch J.:
    CoRheoS: Multiphysics solver framework and simulation infrastructure for complex rheologies.
    NAFEMS World Congress 2013, volume 49, Salzburg (AT), 2013.
  • Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.:
    Numerical simulations of granular flow ( with applications ) in mixers.
    Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik und CFD, Weimar, 2013.
  • Breihof, S.; Burgard, K.; Craß, F.; Gottfried, M.; Latz A.; Schmidt, S.; Schulz, V.; Steiner, K.; Steiner, T.; Zausch, J.:
    Simulation of Lithium-Ion Batteries and its application to the testing of EVs and hybrid cars.
    Kraftwerk Batterie, page 2, Aachen, 2013.
  • Iliev, O.; Lakdawala Z.; Latz, A.; Popov, P.; Rief, S.; Steiner, K.; Wiegmann, A.:
    Modelling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems in Industrial Filtration Processes.
    Proceedings of 2nd Annual meeting of Bulgarian Section of SIAM, Dec.20-21, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.18-21, 2008.
  • Antonov, S.; Hietel, D.; Steiner, K.; Struckmeier, J.:
    Computational Fluid Dynamics at the ITWM.
    Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Narosa, New Dehli, 1997.