Profile of Michael Kleer

Fields of Activity/Competences



Major Publications

  • Reinhard, R., Kleer, M., Dreßler, K.:
    The impact of individual simulator experiences on usability and driving behavior in a moving base driving simulator.
    Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 61, 131–140. doi:10.1016/j.trf.2018.01.004, (2018).
  • Pena Vina, E.; Reinhard, R.; Kleer, M.; Gizatullin, A.; Dreßler, K.:
    Point cloud rendering for interactive simulation.
    DSC 2015 Europe Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition. ISBN: 9783981309935, (2015).
  • Kleer, M.:
    Interaktive Fahr- und Betriebssimulation von Fahrzeugen, Land- und Baumaschinen - ein neuer Ansatz.
    Dissertation, TU Kaiserslautern, ISBN 978-3-8396-0917-0, (2015).


A collection of publications by Michael Kleer in the Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Correlations of seat pressure distribution and perception of (dis)comfort in autonomous driving to parametrize digital human models
Reinhard, René; Harant, Monika; Emmerich, Sebastian; Obentheuer, Marius; Fahse, Niklas; Fehr, Jörg; Kleer, Michael; Linn, Joachim
Conference Paper
2023 A Case for Raising the Camera: A Driving Simulator Test of Camera-Monitor Systems
Bernhard, Christoph; Reinhard, René; Kleer, Michael; Hecht, Heiko
Journal Article
2022 Simulator-based development of a stability assistant for wheeled excavators
Pause, Valentin; Emmerich, Sebastian; Steidel, Stefan; Reinhard, René; Kleer, Michael; Kleeberg, Veit; Weber, Johannes; Zenner, Timo
Conference Paper
2022 Comparisons between upright and reclined seating positions in autonomous vehicles
Reinhard, René; Emmerich, Sebastian; Blumhofer, Benjamin; Kleer, Michael
Conference Paper
2019 The impact of individual simulator experiences on usability and driving behavior in a moving base driving simulator
Reinhard, R.T.; Kleer, M.; Dreßler, K.
Journal Article
2018 Messvorrichtung zum Vermessen des Biegeverhaltens einer Probe
Kleer, Michael; Linn, Joachim; Pena Vina, Eduardo; Schneider, Fabio Julian; Weyh, Thorsten
2018 Effects of individual reactions to driving simulators on emergency braking reaction times
Reinhard, R.; Kleer, M.; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
2018 Virtual validation of autonomous vehicles in a 3D pointcloud
Pena Vina, E.; Kleer, M.; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
2017 Absicherung von Fahrzeugfunktionen unter Berücksichtigung der Umgebung und des Fahrzeugverhaltens
Bitsch, Gerd; Dreßler, Klaus; Kleer, Michael; Pena Vina, Eduardo
Conference Paper
2017 The impact of subjective simulator experiences on usability and driving behavior in a state of the art driving simulator
Reinhard, R.; Kleer, Michael; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
2016 Ein neues Konzept zur Erprobung und Absicherung von Gesamtfahrzeugfunktionen
Kleer, M.; Bitsch, G.; Pena Vina, E.; Rothmann, T.; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
2016 Interactive tractor driving simulation
Weis, M.; Kleer, M.; Holst, C. von; Gizatullin, A.
Conference Paper
2015 Interaktive Fahr- und Betriebssimulation von Fahrzeugen, Land- und Baumaschinen - ein neuer Ansatz
Kleer, Michael
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Real-time human in the loop MBS simulation in the Fraunhofer Robot- Based Driving Simulator
Kleer, M.; Gizatullin, A.; Dreßler, K.; Müller, S.
2014 Real-time human in the loop MBS simulation in the fraunhofer robot-based driving simulator
Kleer, M.; Gizatullin, A.; DreßLer, K.; Müller, S.
Journal Article
2014 The Fraunhofer Robot-Based Driving and Operation Simulator
Kleer, M.; Gizatullin, A.; Pena Viña, E.; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
2013 Real-time human in the loop MBS simulation in the Fraunhofer robot-based driving simulator
Kleer, M.; Gizatullin, A.; Dreßler, K.; Müller, S.
Conference Paper
2013 Integration eines detaillierten, flexiblen Reifenmodells in den Fraunhofer Fahrsimulator
Burger, M.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Kleer, M.
Conference Paper
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