Fields of Activity / Competences
- Numerical Methods
- Structure Mechanics (Elasticity)
- Multigrid Methods
- Parallelization
Major Publications
- Stoyanov, D.; Machado, R.; Pfreundt, F.-J.:
Task-based parallel sparse matrix-vector mulitplication (SpMVM) with GPI-2.
Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 10th International Conference, LSSC 2015, pp.153-160, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 8-12, 2015. - Stoyanov, D.; Pfreundt, F.-J.:
Hybrid-parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication and iterative linear solvers with the communication library GPI.
WSEAS transactions on information science and applications 11, 160-168, (2014).
A collection of publications by Dimitar Stoyanov in the Fraunhofer-Publica