Frankfurt am Main / Conference  /  October 21, 2024  -  October 22, 2024

Digital Summit 2024

»Germany Digital – Innovative. Sovereign. International«

This year's Digital Summit of the Federal Government is taking place in Frankfurt am Main. Participants from business, science, civil society and politics have the opportunity to exchange views on major future topics such as digital innovation, digital sovereignty and international cooperation. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Federal Digital Minister Dr. Volker Wissing and Federal Minister of Economics Dr. Robert Habeck as well as other members of the Federal Cabinet answer questions about their digital policy work and shed light on Germany as a digital location.

Our expert Dr. Jens Krüger from the division »High Performance Computing« gives an exciting pitch about our AI innovation competition project »HALF – Holistic AutoML for FPGAs« (Holistic approach to optimizing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures for deep neural networks via Auto Machine Leaning). In this project, we are developing energy-efficient hardware solutions that are specially optimized for applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using innovative approaches in data analysis and Machine Learning (ML), we aim to significantly reduce energy consumption while maintaining the performance of the AI models.