Smart Farming

Digitalization has also penetrated the agricultural sector. Unimagined optimization potential at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels of agricultural enterprises is unfolding in such areas as harvesting logistics, fertilizer application, crop rotation planning, animal husbandry, and equipment park planning.

We develop innovative methods and tools for modeling, simulation, and optimization of agricultural processes. Customer acceptance demands a choice of understandable, robust solutions. This is why we attach great importance to the creation of logic planning models and the transparent presentation of profit by means of a departure from the old planning models.

The implementation of our concept in customer-specific software, or embedding it in existing customer software enables the end user to interactively check the proposed solutions or enrich them with specific knowledge content.

Example Project


Cognitive Agriculture

In the Fraunhofer lighthouse project we work on the optimization of agricultural processes through modern methods of data analysis or Machine Learning.