Profile of Mirko Rahn


Major Publications

  • Markidis, S.; Peng, I.; Larsson Träff, J.; Rougier, A.; Bartsch, V.; Machado, R.; Rahn, M.; Hart, A.; Holmes, D.; Bull, M.; Laure, E.:
    The EPiGRAM Project: Preparing parallel programming models for exascale.
    ISC High Performance 2016 international workshops ExaComm, E-MuCoCoS, HPC-IODC, IXPUG, IWOPH, P3MA, VHPC, WOPSSS, Frankfurt, Germany, June 19-23, 2016.
  • Machado, R.; Rotaru, T.; Rahn, M.; Bartsch, V.:
    Guide to porting MPI applications to GPI-2.
    Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer ITWM, pp. 28, 2016.

A collection of publications by Mirko Rahn in the Fraunhofer-Publica


A collection of publications by Mirko Rahn in the Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Massively Parallel Modular Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Basson, Dirk; Boehm, Janko; Marais, Magdaleen S.; Rahn, Mirko; Rakotoarisoa, Hobihasina Patrick
2024 pfd-parallel, a Singular/GPI-Space package for massively parallel multivariate partial fractioning
Bendle, Dominik; Böhm, Janko; Heymann, Murray; Ma, Rourou; Rahn, Mirko; Ristau, Lukas; Wittmann, Marcel; Wu, Zihao; Xu, Hefeng; Yang, Zhang
Journal Article
2022 Module Intersection for the Integration-by-Parts Reduction of Multi-Loop Feynman Integrals
Böhm, Janko; Bendle, Dominik; Decker, Wolfram; Georgoudis, Alessandro; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef; Rahn, Mirko; Zhang, Yang
Journal Article
2021 Towards Massively Parallel Computations in Algebraic Geometry
Böhm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Frühbis-Krüger, Anne; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef; Rahn, Mirko; Ristau, Lukas
Journal Article
2020 Module Intersection for the Integration-by-Parts Reduction of Multi-Loop Feynman Integrals
Bendle, Dominik; Boehm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Georgoudis, Alessandro; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef; Rahn, Mirko; Zhang, Yang
2018 Interoperability strategies for GASPI and MPI in large scale scientific applications
Simmendinger, Christian; Iakymchuk, Roman; Akhmetova, Dana; Cebamanos, Luis; Bartsch, Valeria; Rotaru, Tiberiu; Rahn, Mirko; Laure, Erwin; Markidis, Stefano
Internet Contribution
2018 Towards Massively Parallel Computations in Algebraic Geometry
Boehm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Frühbis-Krüger, Anne; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef; Rahn, Mirko; Ristau, Lukas
2017 GASPI/GPI in-memory check pointing library
Bartsch, Valeria; Machado, Rui; Rahn, Mirko; Merten, Dirk; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef
Conference Paper
2016 Guide to porting MPI applications to GPI-2
Machado, Rui; Rotaru, Tiberiu; Rahn, Mirko; Bartsch, Valeria
2015 Evaluation of parallel communication models in Nekbone, a Nek5000 mini-application
Akhmetova, Dana; Peng, Ivy Bo; Markidis, Stefano; Laure, Erwin; Machado, Rui; Rahn, Mirko; Bartsch, Valeria; Gong, Jing; Ivanov, Ilya
Conference Paper
2015 Visualizing 1011 particles from cosmological simulations
Dolag, Klaus; Reinecke, Martin; Hammer, Nicolay; Jamitzky, Ferdinand; Lapichino, Luigi; Satzger, Helmut; Kühn, Martin; Rahn, Mirko
Journal Article
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