Digitization and the Potential for Good Algorithms
In recent weeks and months, there has been repeated talk of boosting Germany's digitization. It is precisely this boost within the administration and business processes that generates a pool of data that must be regularly analyzed and assessed by experts.
For example, the introduction of e-bills has made it possible for the first time to use algorithms to check the data itself and to have relevant data checked by experts. Through more and more digital communication, it is also possible to learn the current assignment of messages to clerks, as well as the detection of unnecessary e-mail traffic by directly sending the message to the people who really need it. Without this data being available digitally, this is only possible to a limited extent or with enormous effort.
If this data is now available digitally, this is the best prerequisite for machine learning (ML). Simple statistical analyses based on small amounts of data are available in almost every company. With these digitally acquired, enormous amounts of data, machine learning processes are now also possible in many companies. To what extent the data can be used for the relevant problems with the already existing methods is another question.
This not only offers the opportunity to put the algorithms into practice, but also to develop and research new procedures and analysis methods for questions of this kind.