AI Applications for Industry With Little Data

Artificial Intelligence methods such as »Deep Neural Networks« have revolutionized image recognition. In the field of industrial quality control, more flexible and generic systems are being developed than with traditional methods. AI also makes it possible to optimize the quality control of structured materials or even natural materials.

A major challenge of AI methods is the need for a large amount of well-annotated, balanced data. Due to good production quality, the provision of defect images is particularly problematic. Nevertheless, we have successfully brought AI into industrial use using various approaches (synthetic data, hybrid approaches, transfer learning, etc.). The following project examples serve to illustrate what this looks like in research practice.

Ausgewählte Projekte


Project »SimVision«

Our »SimVision« project uses synthetic data to enable training of AI-based visual quality control systems – with a focus on coated cutting tools – even when large datasets are not available.


Project »Re(Pro)³«

Resource-optimized production through inline process and product monitoring combines condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and automated quality monitoring.


Surface Inspection of Wooden Panels

We automate defect detection on surfaces such as wooden panels using hybrid methods that combine image processing with Artificial Intelligence (AI).


Process Control and Monitoring Using Edge Computing

The »EMILIE« project focuses on improving decentralized data acquisition and processing through edge gateways.


Finding Cracks in Concrete

We develop methods that detect cracks in images of 10,000x10,000x2,000 voxels and track their growth.


AMI4Blisk – Part of Clean Sky EU

We have developed a fully automatic solution for the surface inspection of BLISKs (bladed disks) as part of the research program »Clean Sky EU Aviation«.


MASC-STEX – Ceiling Panels

Since 2003, MASC-STEX has been successfully operating at a large German manufacturer of ceiling panels.



In the SynosIs project, we are working with our research partners to develop an inspection system based on artificial intelligence (AI) that detects defects on surfaces quickly and automatically.


Project »eQuality«

In the project, we are developing »eQuality«, a digital defect library that supports companies in production with the inspection using Artificial Intelligence and the standardized recording of defects.


Machine Learning for Production

Seven Fraunhofer Institutes are pooling their extensive experience in the field of machine learning in the ML4P lighthouse project.


FIB SEM of Porous Structures

FIB-REM images nanostructures spatially. We reconstruct highly porous 3D structures from the image stacks.


Stochastic Geometry Models

Based on 3D and 2D images, macroscopic homogeneous materials, which are heterogeneous on a microscopic scale, are modelled.