Data and Models From Science
In ProP4CableSim, research, application-oriented science, and industrial practice flow together, which is why the project benefits from the different focal points and competences of the participants: The Chair of Engineering Mechanics LTM of Saarland University performs the experimental investigation of cable samples and determines the mechanical parameters of cable systems.
The employees of the ITWM division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« are familiar with mathematical methods for the digital factory. »We use the data from the LTM for our material modeling,« explains engineer Dr.-Ing. Vanessa Dörlich. »We focus on bending-torsion coupling as well as nonlinear behavior. The elastic behavior of smaller deformations of cables can already be effectively described if only one type of load is present, for example tension. It becomes more complicated for larger spatial deformations, because here additional coupling effects often have to be taken into account. We then link the modeled material laws prototypically to IPS Cable Simulation«.
As in previous projects, the scientists use machine learning algorithms. Results from the Fraunhofer project »UrWerk«, which deals with material data spaces for product development, complement the work on ProP4CableSim.