Australia, Conference  /  September 01, 2024  -  September 06, 2024


International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves

The International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) is specifically dedicated to the field of ultra-high frequency electronics and applications.

In recent years, interest in terahertz imaging and spectroscopy has grown exponentially. Moreover, the terahertz or far-infrared region has long been considered the last scientific gap in the electromagnetic spectrum. The conference therefore places a special emphasis on terahertz techniques and applications and plays a major role in bridging this gap.

The IRMMW conference offers participants the opportunity to hear and participate in a wide range of topics and presentations by scientists from the fields of space research, nuclear fusion, chemistry and biology.

Two experts from the »Materials Characterization and Testing« department will be taking part: Joshua Hennig with the lecture »Wide-range Resistivity Characterization Of Semiconductors With Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy« and Mirco Kutas with the lecture »Imaging With Undetected Photons In The Terahertz Frequency Range«.