Profile of René Reinhard


A collection of publications by René Reinhard in the Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 How Vibrotactile and Auditory Feedback Can Affect Performance in Search for Invisible Objects in Virtual Reality
Beese, Nils Ove; Dümke, Lennart; Döll, Yannic-Noah; Reinhard, René; Spilski, Jan; Lachmann, Thomas; Müller, Kerstin
Conference Paper
2023 A Case for Raising the Camera: A Driving Simulator Test of Camera-Monitor Systems
Bernhard, Christoph; Reinhard, René; Kleer, Michael; Hecht, Heiko
Journal Article
2023 The right tools for the job: towards preference and performance considerations in the design of virtual reality interactions
Beese, Nils Ove; Reinhard, René; Lachmann, Thomas
Journal Article
2022 Simulator-based development of a stability assistant for wheeled excavators
Pause, Valentin; Emmerich, Sebastian; Steidel, Stefan; Reinhard, René; Kleer, Michael; Kleeberg, Veit; Weber, Johannes; Zenner, Timo
Conference Paper
2022 Comparison of Object Detection in Head-Mounted and Desktop Displays for Congruent and Incongruent Environments
Reinhard, René; Telatar, Erinchan; Humayoun, Shah Rukh
Journal Article
2022 The right tools for the job: Towards preference and performance considerations in the design of Virtual Reality interactions
Beese, Nils Ove; Reinhard, René; Lachmann, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Comparisons between upright and reclined seating positions in autonomous vehicles
Reinhard, René; Emmerich, Sebastian; Blumhofer, Benjamin; Kleer, Michael
Conference Paper
2020 The Use and Usage of Virtual Reality Technologies in Planning and Implementing New Workstations
Reinhard, R.; Mardberg, P.; Garcia Rivera, F.; Forsberg, T.; Berce, A.; Fang, M.; Högberg, D.
Conference Paper
2020 Acting your avatar's age: Effects of virtual reality avatar embodiment on real life walking speed
Reinhard, R.; Shah, K.G.; Faust-Christmann, C.A.; Lachmann, T.
Journal Article
2019 Effects of Visually Induced Motion Sickness on Emergency Braking Reaction Times in a Driving Simulator
Reinhard, R.; Tutulmaz, E.; Rutrecht, H.; Hengstenberg, P.; Geissler, B.; Hecht, H.; Muttray, A.
Journal Article
2019 A Face Validation Study for the Investigation of Proteus Effects Targeting Driving Behavior
Faust-Christmann, C.; Reinhard, R.; Hoffmann, A.; Lachmann, T.; Bleser, G.
Conference Paper
2018 Effects of individual reactions to driving simulators on emergency braking reaction times
Reinhard, R.; Kleer, M.; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
2017 The best way to assess visually induced motion sickness in a fixed-base driving simulator
Reinhard, R.; Rutrecht, H.M.; Hengstenberg, P.; Tutulmaz, E.; Geissler, B.; Hecht, H.; Muttray, A.
Journal Article
2017 The impact of subjective simulator experiences on usability and driving behavior in a state of the art driving simulator
Reinhard, R.; Kleer, Michael; Dreßler, K.
Conference Paper
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