Berlin, Conference  /  September 14, 2023  -  September 15, 2023

13. THz Young Scientists Meeting

Conference on the Latest Developments in Terahertz Research

The annual »THz Young Scientists Meeting« provides an international platform for young scientists to exchange ideas and learn about the latest developments in Terahertz (THz) research. The meeting consists of short talks and poster sessions as well as social networking events.

Our colleague Felix Paries from the department »Materials Characterization and Testing« will also be present: He will give a talk entitled »Spintronic Terahertz Emitter on a Fiber-Tip«.

This year, the meeting will be held in close proximity to the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2023). For those staying longer in Berlin, a joint event is planned for Sept. 16, 2023.