Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM

Welcome to Fraunhofer ITWM!

We are one of the world's largest mathematical research institutes and our goal is to further develop mathematics as a key technology, give innovative impetus and implement it in practice together with industry partners. Methodologically, our research areas are based on modeling, simulation and optimization. Integral parts of our projects are consulting and implementation, support in the application of high-performance computer technology and providing tailor-made software solutions. We not only use simulation software, but also develop it ourselves, often in cooperation with leading software companies.
Nowadays, companies of all sizes use simulations on regular bases which gives them benefit in terms of product innovation and quality assurance. Our customers are mainly in the automotive, mechanical engineering, textile, computer industry and finance sectors.



Interview / 21.03.2025

From Internship to Head of Department

From internship to doctorate to head of department – Dr Stefanie Grimm talks about her exciting career at the Fraunhofer ITWM.

She shows how diverse the career opportunities at our institute can be and emphasises the importance of flexibility, both in research and in everyday working life.


New project / 19.03.2025

»KI4KMU-RLP«: AI for Manufacturing Smes in Rhineland-Palatinate

The state of Rhineland-Palatinate supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the »KI4KMU-RLP« program in order to benefit from sustainable AI innovations. We help to identify use cases and submit funding applications. Companies in Rhineland-Palatinate can apply now until June 15, 2025


News / 13.03.2025

Artificial Intelligence meets Nanomedicine in our »Smart-Form« Project

The aim of the project is to use Artificial Intelligence to develop a platform to better predict and optimize how nanotherapeutics are produced. Together with the Fraunhofer IMM, we are pooling our expertise. Yesterday was the official handover of the funding decision from the Ministry of Science and Health of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. 


Introducing – Quirin Hoesch

From Aviation Pioneers to Curved Tubes

Quirin Hoesch, PhD student in the »Mathematics for the Digital Factory« department, has reached the halfway point of his doctorate after completing his Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering and a Master's degree in Computational Engineering. He introduces us to his research, which focuses on the mathematical analysis and simulation of fiber-reinforced hoses under internal pressure.


News / 05.03.2024

Kaiserslautern Is ECMI Node For Two Weeks

The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) has its own blog about news from the European maths community. In terms of content, every fortnight a different place is the so-called »Featured ECMI Node« and is responsible for the news. As of this week, we are posting together with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU).


Book Article »Female Researchers in Focus« / 28.02.2025

If It’s Difficult, It’s a Case for Dovilė

In our series from the book »Female Researchers in Focus – We Create Change«, we present Dr. phil. Dovilė Čibiraitė-Lukenskienė. After studying physics and completing her doctorate, she worked for three years as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer ITWM. In the article, she talks about her career and her research in the field of terahertz technology.


News / 27.02.2025

Annual Meeting »SynphOnie«

A »good« transport service has short travel times, low costs, and minimal CO₂ emissions. The »SynphOnie« project creates mathematical models for efficient, sustainable, and economical transportation planning. At the annual meeting in Passau, topics discussed included the need for a light rail system, the usefulness of timetabled bus services, and the role of ridepooling as a useful addition.


Book Article »Women Researchers in Focus« / 21.02.2025

A Question of Personality

Do women work differently to men and does the interaction of mixed teams have an impact on science? Dr. Isabel Michel and Dr. Jörg Kuhnert report on their day-to-day work in the book »Female Researchers in Focus«. They jointly develop the »MESHFREE« software and work with other researchers on grid-free simulation projects at the Fraunhofer ITWM.

Upcoming Events


Regensburg / Conference / 16.03 – 21.03.2025

DPG Spring Conference

The spring conference of the German Physical Society (DPG / Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) focuses on current research topics in condensed matter and related fields. Expert Dipl. Phys. Joshua Hennig from the »Materials Characterization and Testing« department presents under the title »Characterization of SiC Epilayers with Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy«.


Berlin / Conference / 20.03. – 21.03.2025

Women in Science, Business and Society

Metavorhaben Innovative Frauen im Fokus invites to a symposium to discuss solutions for increasing the visibility and representation of innovative women. Our colleague Esther Packullat from the »Communication« team will be there to give a presentation on the book »Forscherinnen im Fokus – Wir schaffen Veränderung«.


Online / Webinar / 20.03.2025

YEFC und VIPCOAT Consortium

The webinar of the YEFC in cooperation with VIPCOAT will focus on the world of open innovation platforms. 

Our colleague Jelena Zaninović from the »Image Processing« department is part of the expert panel and gives an insight into the topic »Leaching Behavior of Inhibitors From a Coating Matrix«.


Blick über den Tellerrand / Hybrid Talk / 20.03.2025

How Have the Basic Skills of Adults Developed?

The event is focusing on the OECD's PIAAC study, which examines and compares the basic skills of adults in different countries every ten years. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt, who has been Vice President of GESIS since 2024.


Trondheim, Norway / Workshop / 20.03.2025

Quantum Computing Applications in Optimization

Our colleague Dr. Pascal Halffmann, research coordinator for »Quantum Computing«, is on site and gives a lecture on the topic »Quantum Computing for the Unit Commitment Problem – Results from the EnerQuant Project«.


Kaiserslautern / Conference / 22.09. – 26.09.2025

International Conference on Highly Flexible Slender Structures (HFSS)

The international conference on highly flexible, lean structures is taking place for the second time. Experts are invited to address the challenges of theoretical and numerical analysis. Deadline for the submission of abstracts: March 15, 2025. 


Kaiserslautern / Seminar / 24.03.2025

C++ User Group Meeting

The recurring seminar is organized by the »High Computing Performance« division to talk about topics related to C++ programming and the associated environments. Guest speaker and expert Dr. Max Sagemann presents a lecture entitled »Introduction to ccpfront – A New Syntax for C++ – And Compile Time Regular Expression Generation«.


Edinburgh, Scotland / Conference / 24.03 – 26.03.2025

EAGE Digital 2025

EAGE Digital 2025 brings together industry and experts from geosciences, engineering and data science to exchange ideas on digital topics and present innovative technologies in the energy sector.

Mario Fernandez from the division »High Performance Computing« is presenting the lecture »Residual Moveout Correction with Deep Learning Models«.


Kaiserslautern / Symposium / 25.03 - 26.03.2026

International Tyre Colloquium 2026

The fifth symposium on »Tyre Models for Vehicle Dynamics Analysis« is taking place on March 25 and 26, 2026 in Kaiserslautern and invites researchers and industry representatives to present the latest scientific innovations and findings.

Start of the Deadline for the submission of abstracts: April 1, 2025.


Digital Seminar / 25.03. – 27.03.2025

MESHFREE – Beginners

»MESHFREE« can be used to simulate a variety of situations as it efficiently adapts to moving geometry elements. In the training course, we provide an overview of the tool and show how the software can best support your requirements. In addition, practical examples will be presented to illustrate the versatile application possibilities and advantages.


Hannover / Fair / 31.03. – 04.04.2025

Hannover Messe 2025

Hannover Messe is the leading industrial trade fair. Dr. Petra Gospodnetić from department »Image Processing« presents software for creating synthetic photorealistic images together with the start-up »Medabsy«. Dr. Henrike Stephani presents the project »KI4KMU-RLP«, and Dr. Jens Krüger gives a lecture on »Next-Generation Computing at Fraunhofer«.



Dresden / Conference / 01.04 – 04.04.2025

RailDresden 2025

The conference is dedicated to the detailed modeling and analysis of rail operations and offers a platform for the exchange of information on current developments and challenges.

Our head of institute, Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel, is on site as a keynote speaker with a presentation on the topic »Sustainable Passenger Rail Transportation«.


Fraunhofer ITWM / Career Event / 03.04.2025

Girls'Day 2025

On Girls' Day, we open our doors to girls who want to discover exciting career opportunities in male-dominated fields. Our experts present interesting projects and insights into the everyday life of female mathematicians. A rally also offers the chance to win something and find out more about the institute.

The registration deadline is 31.03.2025.


Kaiserslautern/ Public event / 09.05.2025

»Night of Science«

At the »Night of Science«, interactive exhibitions and experiments show the fascinating world of science and technology in Kaiserslautern. 

We from Fraunhofer ITWM offer exciting experiments, hands-on activities and group tours at the »Marketplace of Ideas» in the Fraunhofer Center Kaiserlautern.


Regular Seminars

Seminars of the Division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering«

In 2025, further training seminars of the division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« will take place again!

We will keep you up to date here:

Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM

Fraunhofer-Platz 1

67663 Kaiserslautern


Phone +49 631 31600-0

Fax +49 631 31600-1099


Latest News at the Institute