Simulation of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)

Simulations of Li-Ion Batteries With Our Software »Battery and Electrochemistry Simulation Tool« (BEST)

EIS is a popular, non-destructive cell characterization technique for Li-ion batteries. In experiments, EIS is commonly realized by exciting the full battery cell with a small AC voltage or current signal and measuring the current or voltage response of the cell, respectively. Using Ohms’ law allows to compute the impedance with respect to the applied frequency. By repeating this procedure for a variety of frequencies, the impedance spectrum of the cell can be determined step by step.

This spectrum is used to record information over a range of characteristic time scales and therefore contains information about various internal transport processes. By analysing the spectrum in the frequency domain, impedance contributions can be examined as a function of frequency, which allows to draw conclusions about transport processes with corresponding time scales. 

This facilitates the determination of the current state of the battery cell, depending on:

  • Temperature
  • State of charge
  • Degradation
  • Saturation during electrolyte filling
Visualization for the Implementation of EIS in Experiments
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Visualization for the Implementation of EIS in Experiments

Why is it Useful to Simulate Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy?

In order to facilitate the knowledge transfer between physics-based simulations and experimental measurements, EIS is also supported in our battery simulation software BEST, for both BESTmicro and BESTmeso. This enables a bidirectional exchange of information:

  • On the one hand, EIS measurements can be used for parameter identification of the battery models.
  • On the other hand, the fully parameterized physical models can provide insights into the cause and effect relationship between the experimentally observed impedance and the underlying internal transport of the cell.

Simulation of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)

To simulate the impedance, a virtual Li-ion battery is excited with a small voltage step and the resulting current relaxation is simulated within BEST. The double-layer capacity of the cell is taken into account. After a small post-processing step, we determine the impedance results numerically or present them in the form of the commonly used Bode or Nyquist diagrams.

The simulations are not limited to the classic full or half-cell configurations, but also support symmetrical and three-electrode cells, which are often used in EIS experiments to carry out a separate analysis of the individual electrodes. The simulation enables the consideration of so-called blocking conditions, i.e. the electrodes are in a state in which there is little or no charge exchange with the electrolyte.

Visualization of the EIS Simulation When Applying a Small Voltage Step and Calculation of the Current Relaxation
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Left: Visualization of the EIS simulation in BEST when applying a small voltage step (top) and calculation of the current relaxation (bottom). Right: Bode and Nyquist diagrams of the impedance obtained from post-processing. [Full screen view by clicking on the picture]
Supported Cell Configurations for EIS Simulations in BEST.
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Supported Cell Configurations for EIS Simulations in BEST.