Profil Matti Schneider


  • Numerische Multiskalensimulation
  • Kontinuumsmechanik
  • FFT-basierte Methoden



Sammlung der Publikationen von Matti Schneider in der Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Adaptive material evaluation by stabilized octree and sandwich coarsening in FFT-based computational micromechanics
Kabel, Matthias; Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2023 Accounting for viscoelastic effects in a multiscale fatigue model for the degradation of the dynamic stiffness of short-fiber reinforced thermoplastics
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Welschinger, Fabian; Müller, Ralf; Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2023 Factors influencing the dynamic stiffness in short‐fiber reinforced polymers
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Welschinger, Fabian; Müller, Ralf; Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2022 A multiscale high-cycle fatigue-damage model for the stiffness degradation of fiber-reinforced materials based on a mixed variational framework
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Welschinger, Fabian; Müller, Ralf; Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2022 A space-time upscaling technique for modeling high-cycle fatigue-damage of short-fiber reinforced composites
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Welschinge, F.; Müller, R.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2022 A Multiscale Fatigue Model for the Degradation of Fiber-Reinforced Materials
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Welschinger, F.; Müller, R.; Schneider, M.
Conference Paper
2022 Multi-scale fatigue model to predict stiffness degradation in short-fiber reinforced composites
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Welschinger, Fabian; Müller, Ralf; Schneider, Matti
Conference Paper
2021 A computational multi-scale model for the stiffness degradation of short-fiber reinforced plastics subjected to fatigue loading
Köbler, J.; Magino, N.; Andrä, H.; Welschinger, F.; Müller, R.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2021 A multi-scale fatigue-damage model for fiber-reinforced polymers
Magino, Nicola; Köbler, Jonathan; Andrä, Heiko; Schneider, Matti; Welschinger, Fabian
Journal Article
2020 Digital sand core physics: Predicting physical properties of sand cores by simulations on digital microstructures
Ettemeyer, F.; Lechner, P.; Hofmann, T.; Andrä, H.; Schneider, M.; Grund, D.; Volk, W.; Günther, D.
Journal Article
2019 Lippmann-Schwinger solvers for the explicit jump discretization for thermal computational homogenization problems
Dorn, C.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2019 On the Barzilai-Borwein basic scheme in FFT-based computational homogenization
Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2019 Material characterization and compression molding simulation of CF-SMC materials in a press rheometry test
Schommer, Dominic; Duhovic, Miro; Romanenko, Vitali; Andrae, Heiko; Steiner, Konrad; Schneider, Matti; Hausmann, Joachim M.
Conference Paper
2019 Efficient multiscale methods for viscoelasticity and fatigue of short fiber-reinforced polymers
Welschinger, F.; Köbler, J.; Andrä, H.; Müller, R.; Schneider, M.; Staub, S.
Conference Paper
2018 Modelling the microstructure and computing effective elastic properties of sand core materials
Schneider, M.; Hofmann, T.; Andrä, H.; Lechner, P.; Ettemeyer, F.; Volk, W.; Steeb, H.
Journal Article
2018 Fiber orientation interpolation for the multiscale analysis of short fiber reinforced composite parts
Köbler, J.; Schneider, M.; Ospald, F.; Andrä, H.; Müller, R.
Journal Article
2017 FFT-based homogenization for microstructures discretized by linear hexahedral elements
Schneider, Matti; Merkert, Dennis; Kabel, Matthias
Journal Article
2017 The sequential addition and migration method to generate representative volume elements for the homogenization of short fiber reinforced plastics
Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2017 Evaluating the factors influencing the friction behavior of paperboard during the deep drawing process
Lenske, A.; Müller, T.; Penter, L.; Schneider, M.; Hauptmann, M.; Majschak, J.-P.
Journal Article
2017 The composite voxel technique for inelastic problems
Kabel, M.; Fink, A.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2017 A fiber orientation-adapted integration scheme for computing the hyperelastic Tucker average for short fiber reinforced composites
Goldberg, N.; Ospald, F.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2017 Beyond polyconvexity: An existence result for a class of quasiconvex hyperelastic materials
Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2017 An FFT-based fast gradient method for elastic and inelastic unit cell homogenization problems
Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2016 A model order reduction method for computational homogenization at finite strains on regular grids using hyperelastic laminates to approximate interfaces
Kabel, M.; Ospald, F.; Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2016 Computational homogenization of elasticity on a staggered grid
Schneider, M.; Ospald, F.; Kabel, M.
Journal Article
2016 Thermal fiber orientation tensors for digital paper physics
Schneider, Matti; Kabel, Matthias; Andrä, Heiko; Hauptmann, Marek; Majschak, Jens-Peter; Penter, Lars; Hardtmann, A.; Ihlenfeldt, Steffen; Westerteiger, R.; Glatt, E.; Wiegmann, Andreas
Journal Article
2016 Mixed boundary conditions for FFT-based homogenization at finite strains
Kabel, M.; Fliegener, S.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2016 Nonlinear composite voxels and FFT-based homogenization
Kabel, M.; Fink, A.; Ospald, F.; Schneider, M.
Conference Paper
2016 On the effective viscosity of a periodic suspension - analysis of primal and dual formulations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian solvents
Schneider, Matti
Journal Article
2015 An efficient algorithm to include sub-voxel data in FFT-based homogenization for heat conductivity
Merkert, D.; Andrä, H.; Kabel, M.; Schneider, M.; Simeon, B.
Conference Paper
2015 Use of composite voxels in FFT-based homogenization
Kabel, M.; Merkert, D.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2014 The Lippmann-Schwinger equation in elasticity for porous media
Schneider, Matti; Kabel, Matthias
Conference Paper
2014 Zur Simulation von Klebeverbindungen für Scheibenbauteile mit Level-Set-Funktionen und erweiterter Finite-Elemente-Methode
Andrä, H.; Shklyar, I.; Schneider, M.; Zangmeister, T.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 The topological gradient in anisotropic elasticity with an eye towards lightweight design
Schneider, M.; Andrä, H.
Journal Article
2014 Efficient fixed point and Newton-Krylov solvers for FFT-based homogenization of elasticity at large deformations
Kabel, M.; Böhlke, T.; Schneider, M.
Journal Article
2014 Voxel-based fast solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation with smooth material interfaces
Merkert, D.; Andrä, H.; Kabel, M.; Schneider, M.; Simeon, B.
Journal Article
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